A dragon doesn't know defeat

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Sam Pov

Sam: How...how can you be alive Sitch...I killed you!

Sitch: Thats because i'm not, you traitor. i am mearly stuck inside of your head

Sam: Well....you had it coming

Sitch: Believe what you want, i'll enjoy watching you suffer (Sitch disappears)


Diego: You are a very weird person

Sam: I...i don't know what you mean

Diego: First you show some pretty impressive skill and then you break down. i don't know if your really weak or your messing with me mongrel. so i shall tell you this once, if you break down once more i will kill you right then and there, no more playing around

Sam: I...I don't think i ca...(Diego kicks sam in the face sending him into a nearby building, sam tries to stand up but diego jumps towards him and grabs him by the face. he then pushes sam through multiple buildings. diego lets go of sam's face and kicks him back into the ground) Ngh...(sam tries to stand up but is forced back down by diego's foot) 

Diego: I better not hear you doubt yourself again mongrel!

Sam: Ngh...If...if i didn't know any better....i'd say your trying to help me

Diego: (diego picks up sam by his hair) The only reason why i want you to stop doubting yourself is because i want to force you back down into a deeper pit of disspair you fool (Diego punches sam in the stomach while still holding him by his hair, diego does this a few more times until he rips out some of sam's hair, sam stumbels back a little trying to create distance between him and diego) Hmmm...i didn't mean to rip out your hair...Do all humans have such weak hair?

Sam: D...dammit....you can't be this strong...its impossible!

Diego: You most be a fool, We already had a conversation where you people found out that i'm a lot weaker then the real diego


Diego: But if you desire more power, i might be able to be off service

Sam: What...what do you mean?

Diego: If you'd like i could grand you my power in exchange for your friends lives

Sam: I...i would...never do that...to them 

Diego: (diego walks closer to sam) Think about it, you could be the strongest human alive aswel as the man who defeated the legendary dragon of iron forge, you'd be a hero and you could finally join the combat force like you always wanted

Sam: How...How do you know...

Diego:...That you wanted to join the combat force? please i've been inside marcus much longer then he knew you, everything you've ever told him i know

Sam: Thats....Still i won't be taking your deal

Diego: Well thats ashame, i guess you will have to die now (Diego's hand starts radiating dark energy, he then points his hand towards sam) Goodbye sam, OMEN OF DEATH (Diego blasts sam with a large black wind but before it hits sam, mako grabs sam and jumps out of the way) Hmpf so your still able to move?

Mako: Yeah...So are you up for round two?

Diego: When was round one exactly mongrel? i only remember a light warming up

Mako: Cocky prick, lets make this a little more interesting then shall we

Diego: Oh what do you have in mind? (Marcus appears behind diego holding his sword next to his side) And what do you think you'll do?

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