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Marcus Pov

Marcus wakes up on the beach with sam lying close by

Marcus: Sam, wake up you moron (Marcus slaps sam over the head......this doesn't wake him up) shit.....where the hell am i anyways? (Marcus looks around and sees a man sitting in a lawnchair, wearing a hawaiian shirt, baggie pants, a headband and glasses) HEY YOU OVER THERE, COULD YOU HELP MY FRIEND HERE!

???: (the man in the lawnchair stands up and walks over to marcus, he crouches down) well first off you got no drip

Marcus: Excuse me?!

???: well that kimono does nothing for you man, also why do you have a little boy with you? what we're you planning my dude?


???: Do i look like a doctor to you? does this hawaiian shirt speak "medical expertese?

Marcus: Well no, but you can get help can't you?

???: Nah i'm just fucking with you (the mysterios man grabs sam and punches him in the gut with extreme amount of chi)

Marcus: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING (sam falls back to the ground and starts coughing) What the...

Sam: *Cough Cough* where....where am i?.....Who are you?

???: well your at the crimson beach, close to Gale Town (marcus looks up in shock) oh are you familier with our town?

Marcus: Yeah......its said that one of nine dragons kings lives here!

???: Yeah he's over there (marcus points at a large mountan)

Sam: You mean he's on the mountain....right?

???: no he IS the mountain, as he is the mountain dragon king after all. now let me help you two (the mysterios man helps up marcus and sam and they walk to a small house) Welcome to my place gentelman, make yourself at home

Marcus: Hey, what is your name?

???: Hm? have i not intoduced myself yet? Silly me, i'm mako nice for you to meet me

Marcus: No last name?

Mako: No any that you need to know bud

Marcus: i see, well can you tell me some more about the dragon?

Mako: well i could, but before i do, why are you so interested in this dragon?

Marcus: Well i want to kill it!

Mako: (mako stands there in silence, then starts laughing) Good one, like you could beat up a dragon

Marcus: Excuse me

Mako: look buddy, a normal dragon is already one of the strongest creatures around, but a dragon king is on a whole nother level. and even if you we're strong enough to take on a dragon king every dragon has something of a human nanny to make sure they don't destroy the world

Marcus: if thats the case then we're is this dragons nanny?

Mako: your looking at him

Marcus: i see, so you won't let me fight him then

Mako: What no take your swing my guy, of course you won't be returning alive. that is if he even woke up for you

Marcus: what?

Mako: oh yeah the big guy sleeps a lot, he woke up a few hours ago but i punched em back into the ocean 

Marcus: (marcus grabs his sword and points it at mako) it was you, you almost drowned us

Mako: i did? i thought you two we're just shit at sailing

Sam: Wait what are you talking about marcus, he saved us remeber

Marcus: sure he got us of the beach, yet he also dropped a dragon on us 

Sam: Wait how are you so sure?

Marcus: he just told us, didn't you. you dropped that dragon on us didnt you

Mako: i just kicked the dragon back into the water, if you we're down there then thats not my problem. now get this sword out of my face

Marcus: No, i can't trust a man that cares so little abou.....(mako grabs marcus by his arm and throws him through a wall) 

Mako: It seems words don't work on you kiddo, so let me tell you this then. i don't hold a candel to that dragon over there

Marcus: What are you talking about, you beat him didn't you?

Mako: If i had the strenght to kill him don't you think i'd have done it already, the fact is that dragon refuses to go full power. so if you can beat me then you at least have a chance, HOWEVER you aren't even close to my level

Marcus: We'll see about that. one sword style: HEAVENLY SLASH (marcus tries to cut mako but he stops it with one finger) What the..(mako kicks marcus in the stomach with a lighting fast kick)

Mako: SUPERKICK (marcus falls to the ground) Do you get it now kid? do you understand the difference in strength between you and me?

Sam: i...i can't believe it, marcus was able to cut down multiple members of the combat force. how can he get manhandeld like this

Mako: Simple kid, the combat force is usseless unless your a highranking officer. and sadly there are way to little of those around. however don't think this man is weak however, he's strong just not on the level he wants to be

Marcus: Will you shut got one lucky shot

Mako: didn't i block a very strong move just 5 seconds ago

Marcus: Who cares about know i'm kinda happy about this

Mako: Hm?

Marcus: your quite strong, which means i can go all out

Mako: Excuse you? (marcus grabs his sword and swings it mako however he dodges) Waw you really are slow (Marcus keeps trying to slash mako but he keeps dodging) 


Mako: That just seems like a bad idea. this is a very expensive shirt you know


Mako: WHAT THE....(Mako gets engulfed in the black energy)


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