Live or wrath

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Mako Pov

Mako: (mako is holding down marcus trying to calm him down) DAMMIT MARCUS STOP MOVING

Sean: Its no use bud, your little friend is in a blind rage. there is nothing you can do to save him

Mako: I refuse to believe that

Sean: Well it doesn't matter what you believe, you yourself shall soon fall under the effect of the oder of anger. its power is absolute after all

Mako: Well then i'll absolutely kick your ass before then

Sean: Was....was that a pun

Mako: (mako grabs marcus's sword and throws it at sean, piercing his shoulder) Got em good

Sean: AWH SHIT (sean tries to remove the sword but he can't reach the handel) *Dammit i can't ask my fellow leprechauns for help because if they stop there movements the oder of anger would disapear* 

Mako: Looks like that hurt you fucker

Sean: seems your getting a little angry over there, shall i finish you off myself? (Sean grabs a small knife out of his breat pocket, he walks over to mako slowly) You know friend, you had the chance to leave yet instead you decided to stay here and fight us. i wonder what made you think this was a good idea?

Mako: Simpel, he isn't allowed to die until he finished that god damn story

Sean: (sean loooks suprised) You only care about him because he is telling you a story? you humans are such weird creatures. not like us leprechauns at all, we stick together to protect our gold and to hunt for food (sean stands next to mako) Not that that matters to you my friend. now i wonder what you'll do next. will you continue to hold down your friend while i slit your throat or will you let go to defend yourself and have your friend die right here?

Mako: Quite the hard question, but how about i answer your question with another question ey 

Sean: Alright, i'm interested

Mako: What is the reason humans hunt leprechauns?

Sean: Hmph such a simpel yet crude question, its because leprechaun blood is a great way to give you a boost of energy. it also is used at human hospitals to wake up patients......oh fuck (four energy arrows pierce sean's chest, sean falls to the ground)

Sam: (sam stands with his bow in his hands and blood on his face) Sorry guys, i didn't expect him to hit me in the back


Sam: what? (Mako lets go of marcus who starts running towards the leprechauns)

Mako: Shit....

Sam: Why....Why did you let him go?

Mako: Honestly i don't know. atleast he doesn't have his sword


Mako: Yeah he'll be fine

Sean: "Cough" you really think that you can win?

Mako: Why wouldn't he be shit stain?

Sean: "Cough" simple, our dance is still active "Cough" so if he tries to attack he'll die!


Sam: Calm down mako

Mako: SHUT IT! 

Sean: Interesting, it seems even you have been hit by our oder of anger

Mako: WHAT ABOUT IT YOU TWAT (Mako steps on sean's face)

Sean: Nice "Cough" mako, show me more of this anger

Mako: SHUT IT YOU DWARF (Mako prepares to crush sean's head but he's stopped by sam) 

Sam: Don't kill him mako, this isn't like you!

Mako: (mako punches sam in the face making him fall down) you moron

Sam: The hell was that for?!

Mako: Not every person can be spared sam, how many people do you think will die if he lives?

Sam: So, not every creature deserves to die!

Mako: Right (mako grabs sean by the head) Hey shit stain. if we let you live will you never kill again?

Sean: The hell do you think ya rotten basterds (Sean spits on sam's shoe) 

Sam: That could mean anything really

Mako: You most truly be blined. sam these creatures will kill us if we don't kill them

Sam: Oke for a moment lets act like i agree with you on this. how would you kill them, sean has been absorbing every hit you hit em with

Mako: Please there is only so much he can absorb

Sam: Mako do you hear yourself talk! This isn't like you man


Sam: I know enough, you aren't a angry piece of shit

Mako: THE FUCK YOU CALL ME! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I NEVER GET ANG.....wait why am i so angry?

Sean: *shit*

Mako: Hey green man, how did you make me so angry?

Sean: how.....the oder shouldn't have faded yet. how did you do it?

Mako: No idea what your talking about but i'll tell you what, if you stop harassing me and my two companions i'll let you live. does that sound good friendo?

Sean: (sean thinks for a moment) alright fine, MEN LET THE SWORDSMAN GO! 

leprechaun 1: You sure boss?

Sean: Yeah let em go (The leprechauns stop there dance and marcus returns to his senses) oke now for your side of the deal

Mako: Sure i'll let you live (Mako throws sean up into the air) But i never said i won't take any revenge (he then kicks sean into the ocean)

leprechauns: BOSS NOOOOOOOO....(The leprechauns look in shock, they are then cut in halve by marcus)

Marcus: God do i hate leprechauns

Sam: MARCUS WHY DID YOU DO THAT! (sam grabs marcus by the collar and starts shaking him)

Marcus: i'F i DiDn'T dO tHaT tHeN tHeY wOuLd HaVe CoNtInUeD kIlLiNg PeOpLe

Sam: Thats no reason to kill somebody

mako: Let him go sam, hate to admit it but he's right. leprechauns are known to kill they would have ended a lot of inoccent lives

Sam:...still they are anima...

Marcus: They aren't sam. they are smart creatures that will never let you live. you got that

sam: y...yeah

Mako: Don't take it to hard sam, our world isn't sunshine and rainbows. people kill and people die. its just the way it is

Sam:  yeah i guess your right "Thump" what...what was that? (mako and sam look towards marcus who colapsed)

Mako: Guess he ran out of chi, you grab one arm i'll grab the other

Sam: Wait but we can't just take him to the dragon's territory, that would be to dangerous

Mako: huff, your such a fucking child. fine we'll take em to a near by town. happy now??

Sam: Thats better (Mako and sam drag marcus to a nearby town)

??? Pov

???: (far away a man is standing looking at mako and sam through a spyglass) Well well, it looks like that moron was ussefull after all. can't believe he let them get this far away from gale town but thats besides the point (The man looks at two wanted posters of both marcus and mako) These two will fetch me a pretty coin (The man throws the wanted poster away, the posters say five million dollars on it however mako's says "only alive" on it) Lets see if they are worth the money (the man walks away) 


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