Iron Forge

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Sam Pov

Marcus: (Marcus mako and sam walk out of the wagon) lets get what we need and get out

Mako: Whats wrong, not happy to be home?

Marcus: No mako i'm so happy to be in the place where almost all of my trauma is from

Mako: Fair enough can't argue that

Marcus: Lets just get what we need and then get out of here (Marcus walks away)

Sam: Whats his problem?

Mako: Like he said, he's in a place full of history

Sam: I wonder what story he has about this place

Mako: I'll catch you up to speed someday, for now lets go eat something (Mako slaps sam on the back) You most be starving ey buddy

Sam: I mean i guess, i haven't really felt hungry ever sinds i woke up

Mako:....Thats weird.....Well i'm hungry so we're still eating little man (Mako starts looking for a place to eat)

Sam: Guess he never changes huh

???: should kill him now

Sam: Huh (Sam looks around but sees nobody around him besides mako) most....most have been the wind....


Sam: R...right i'm coming (Mako and sam finally arrive at a small cafe) 

Mako: Take a seat sam (Mako sits down at a table, sam does the same)

Sam: What do you want to talk about?

Mako: What do you think sam? you killed the ocean dragon and survived.  and besides that you currently life on the heart of the ocean dragon

Sam: Yeah i still don't know how i pulled it off

Mako: Eh probably just luck 

Sam: So what happend to crate's body? (Mako falls silent) Oh.....yeah i guess you wouldn't have done anything with it....

Mako: Yeah....he deserved better. anyway for now we need to focus on preparing you for real fights

Sam: (Sam looks confused) What do you mean? Are my bow skills not good enough?

Mako: Well kid i'm going to be completly honest with you, you suck like, your extremly bad

Sam: Wha....I killed the ocean dragon, does that count for nothing

Mako: Yes it counts for you being a fool, you used your life force to get enough strength to fight at marcus and my level. honestly you got lucky

Sam: Still...i pulled out a lot of strength to do it

Mako: Sam you should be dead, Like you only survived because you killed the ocean dragon and even that was because marcus gave you a good shot

Sam:.....Fair enough, so what type of training will i be doing?

Mako: Buddy, little budster. we're going to start training you in hand to hand combat (Sam looks suprised)

Sam: Wait but i thought you said that it has no use to train me in normal fighting because of my lack of chi

Mako: Yeah well plans change and we might have a way to make you strong now

Sam: (Sam grabs mako by the arm) Well what are we waiting for lets go

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