Unusual findings

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Marcus Pov

Jagan: Heh you sure are cocky aren't you sword demon 

Marcus: What did you expect, its not like you beat me last time

Jagan: That fight was interrupted, but i'm looking forward to finish our fight here

Mako: Marcus don't do this

Marcus: Why, you don't think i can win?

Mako: Yes...that is exactly what the problem is, last time you had the demon to help 

Marcus: Yeah well that demon did nothing to help

Mako: No i mean you used the....you know what your right. go get em tiger (mako does a thumbs up towards marcus)

Marcus: So you ready you fat basterd

Jagan: Heh...oh i have been ready for a long time (Marcus grabs his sword and tries cutting off jagan's head but he is unable to slice it off) Hm? aren't you going to put some strength behind it?

Marcus: What the...(Jagan grabs marcus by the head and slams him into the ground)

Mako: Idiot, this is what i was trying to say.  without the demon you don't have the power to cut dragons

Marcus: "muffeld sound" 

Jagan: Hm? didn't catch that (Jagan picks marcus back up) What we're you trying to say buddy?

Marcus: I hate you...hate you both...(jagan releases the sharp rocks inside of his fist and punches marcus in the stomach with them, sending him into mako)...Ngh.....how am i...suppost to beat him now?

Mako: Your not also GET OFF OF ME (Mako pushes marcus off of him and stands back up, he then gets immidiatly grabbed by jagan and held over the edge of the tower by his arm) Heh...this is unexpected...

Jagan: Is it? You kicked me into the ocean so many times that i feel like this is to be expected. any last words angel boy?

Mako: Yeah, stop calling me angel boy idiot (Jagan lets go of mako's arm but mako is able to grab the side of the ledge and pull himself back up, jagan tries to kick him back off but mako catches jagan's foot and pulls jagan to the ground) Not so though now are you!

Jagan: Oh i hate you (Jagan and mako jump back up, mako tries to superkick jagan but he catches the leg and hits mako with a powerbomb cracking the top of the tower) Wow...that might have been a bit to much force...what do you think angel boy?

Mako: My favorite colour is 7

Jagan: fantastic (Jagan picks mako up and puts him on his neck) I most say, you make one great scarf 

Sam: P....put him down! (Sam is standing next to jagan with his bow ready to shoot at him)

Jagan: Put him down you say? Well only because you asked for it (Jagan takes a few steps forward and hits mako with a burning hammer breaking a part of the floor making mako drop down the tower) Whoops guess i used a little bit to much again...atleast i did what you asked ey boy

Sam: MAKO NO! (Sam runs to the hole and puts his hand forward, suddenly bubbles release from sams hand which catches mako and brings him back up to the shock of jagan) Wow...that was close

Jagan:...(Jagan walks to sam and looks down to him)

Sam:...Oh no (Sam tries to move away from jagan but jagan is able to grab sam by the arm) oh crap...

Jagan: Those bubbles...there is only one person in the entire world who can make bubbles like that...and your scent...its so familier

Sam: Well about that...(jagan pulls sam closer to him and puts him in a bear hug, sam tries to pull himself out but its no use)

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