The angels wrath

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Mako Pov

Artemis: AUFLEVELN (Mako jumps away from artemis who's entire body flouts up into the air and starts forming together to create a giant eye with six wings attached to it) 

Mako: Ok i was expecting a lot....just not that (Artemis looks over to mako and immediately shoots a giant laser at mako which he just barley dodges however it turns the intire garden into a burning wasteland) Damn dad, don't remember what holding back is?

Artemis: SOLDATEN GOTTES (Artemis starts releasing a darkblue gell from his eye, when it falls to the ground it starts forming into a human body) 

Mako: Oh thats gonna be a problem (the blue soldier runs at mako trying to punch him in the side but mako catches his fist and pulls him closer and hits him with a hayemaker, the soldier tries to stand up but mako hits him with a superkick destroying it) Welp that was easier then i expected (At that very moment artemis drops another blue soldier, this one holds a katana and wears a kimono) Huh you look weirdly like....(The soldier rushes at mako trying to cut him but mako dodges and tries to hit him with a left jab however the soldier does a backflip and the rushes back at mako and trying to slash him, however mako is able to grab the soldiers wrist and judo throws him to the ground) Is that all your soldiers god old man? (While mako is taunting his father the soldier stands back up and creates a large black energy blast from his blade which hits mako in the back sending him flying back into the building) So....i was right, you are a copy of marcus then......then i know exactly how to defeat you (Mako jumps back out of the building and rushes at the soldier, the soldier tries to slash mako but mako is to fast and is able to hit him with a spear. mako then grabs the soldiers legs and starts spinning him) You know you put up a little fight there fake-marcus, however you aren't even close to the strength of the real deal (Mako then throws the soldier at artemis who's still floating in the air) TAKE THAT YOU OLD BASTERD (When the soldier hits artemis the soldier it explodes) Got em, now to save marcus (mako starts walking towards the door but before he's able to enter he's grabbed by the neck and thrown back into the yard) OH COME ON, I JUST FINISHED A FIGHT (Mako looks up to see artemis standing there completly white with six angle wings surrounding him)

Artemis: Did you really think that weak showing could defeat me?

Mako: I meam, i sure hoped it would

Artemis: Well i guess I'll give you some credit for making me use this form so I'll give you one free shot so hit me with everything you got son (Artemis puts his right arm forward in a bit of a taunting pose) i shall only use this one arm

Mako: Well damn you sure know how to taunt a man (Mako jumps forward while infusing his fist with chi, he tries to punch artemis however when he hits artemis's arm mako's own arm crumbles to his side) What the? (Mako grabs his now destroyed arm) WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!

Artemis: (Artemis shakes his head) What i did? i didn't do anything. we're you not the one who hit me? (Mako looks confused but prepares to hit artemis again) You know trying to hit me won't work

Mako: The hell are you talking about? 

Artemis: In my current form you will never be able to hit me

Mako: I very much doubt that, even sitch the ocean dragon was able to be hit. maybe it didn't do much damage but he did get hit

Artemis: Yes you are correct (Artemis starts pacing around mako) However to understand why you can't hit me you should understand my powers. my angelic power is that to change reality into my own image

Mako: That....thats impossible, our angel forms are but mearly wild beasts with no control

Artemis: At its base sure, however with training you can control its power, even make it your own. when you do you gain nearly godlike power and you become the protector of the world you are meant to be (Artemis puts his and out to mako) Mako stop denying your destiny and come home with me to finish your traini....(While artemis is talking mako hits him with a superkick forcing artemis to take a few steps back, however when mako puts his leg back to the ground its crumbles just like his arm did) Tsk like i said, i control reality so i turned the bones in your leg into pretzel while turning the bones in your arm into mere foam

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