Team B part 2

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Marcus Pov

Marcus: (marcus and mako are walking back to the inn) Can't believe that stupid dragon just wasted our time

Mako: Right, i can't believe he would tell the story like that. i would have atleast liked to know who won each fights

Marcus: well atleast the poison dragon war is well documented, so its not like we can't find out how it went 

Mako: Yeah but thats work and i don't wanna read, reading is for nerds

Marcus: Anyway we should be close to the inn, so lets just drop some stuff there and go to the meeting spot

Mako: i guess, do you think they found anything interesting at the castle?

Marcus: Lets hope so (they arrive at the inn to find it being raided by royal guards) The hell is going on

Mako: I would presume there here for those criminals we beat up later

Marcus: Or for us

Mako: Why would they be here for us, its not like we killed anybody........Right?

Marcus: yeah about that......


Marcus: Well i might have cut somebody's head off for slighty taunting me

Mako: You fucking idiot

Marcus: He was asking for it

Mako: I taunt you, are you going to cut my head off at some point

Marcus: No it wasn't like that

Mako: Then whats the fucking difference?

Marcus: We aren't fighting right now

Mako: Not like you could, even if we we're fighting (Marcus and mako walk up to the inn but a soldier stops him)

Soldier: Halt traveler, who desires to enter this fine establishment

Marcus: We have a room here, we would like to enter it

Soldier: You shall not enter sir, some rowdy individuals shared in some fighting

Mako: Do you have to talk like that

Soldier: (The soldier leans towards mako and whispers in his ear) hey man, i just want to look cool. could you like get off my back

Mako: Yeah sure

Soldier: Thanks bro (The soldier leans back) Well fine travelers, you may enter but only this once

Marcus: Yeah aight (marcus and mako walk into the building and up the stairs to there room) alright mako, here is the plan.....

Mako: We don't have a plan, we will just go to those idiots in about twenty minutes then we will go back here and figure out what to do next

Marcus:......ok so you already knew the plan

Mako: You an idiot marcus

Marcus: Shut up man

Mako: No really, your a man around forthy years old yet you hang out with a minor and a twenty year old rich kid

Marcus: look i'm already a criminel so a few more crimes won't hurt me to much

Mako: You you do have quite the criminal record thats for sure

Marcus: Well lets head back out kiddo

Mako: yeah aight (Marcus and mako walk down the stairs just to be met with around twelve men who are pointing spears at them) Soooooo is it to late to just walk back upstairs

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