Chapter 071 - Ros

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"What do you mean by substance from those three animals? Is it the blood? Or what?" Gerald asked Ros.

"How would I know? We need Sayaka to find out. What is certain is that from the information I got, the emphasis is more on those three types of animals." Ros explained.

"For the Quagga, isn't it still in the same family as the Zebra? Why don't we try with the Zebra?" Yue Long asked.

"Again, I don't know. It is Sayaka who can answer it all. But what I am sure is, one animal will not be enough. You need all three to get that substance. Moreover, for the Quagga I am very sure because it is repeatedly depicted in half-stripes, no full-stripes." Ros explained.

"If half-stripes animal we still have Okapi which is not extinct yet, could that be an alternative?" Victor asked.

"I don't know. We need Sayaka to find out. Then what about the Tasmanian Tiger and the Dodo bird? What's the alternative?" Ros asked.

"OK, looks like that's enough. The point is we need Sayaka. And it seems pointless if we continue to speculate because Ros has clearly said we need all three. Looking for alternatives from just one or two animals doesn't seem like it will be enough." Gerald said.

"You're right, sorry, maybe I just got carried away. It would be very sad if it turns out that the solution to this problem is already extinct even though we weren't the ones who caused the extinction. If only the humans who caused the extinction could now be held responsible." Victor said.

"This makes me remember Sayaka's words. If humans destroy nature, they will only accelerate their own extinction. I think this is proof." Ros said.

"I want to try calling Mr. Ma, maybe he has useful information. But, why is there no signal here?" Yue Long said and asked.

"Oh yeah, you made me remember that the signal transmitter here is broken. Wait a minute, I'll go to the warehouse to get the spare parts first and fix it." Victor said.

"Come on, let me come with you, maybe outside I can also get a clearer connection." Yue Long said. Then he followed Victor out of Ros's tent. But when they opened the tent door, Jeff was right in front of the door, about to come in and give the news.

"Hmm, guys, I just got information from Benjamen... He agreed to make a transaction with me. Then he asked when I and he would do it. I said, wait to hear from me because I have to find a way to get there. What do you think?" Jeff provides information.

"Oh, good... You're smart. Yes, we still have to arrange a lot of things first, it seems." Gerald said.

"By the way, Jeff, can you come in? I have something to ask you, maybe you know something." Gerald said again when Jeff was about to leave the tent.

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