Chapter Eight

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Julia woke the next morning with the worst pit in her stomach. Her mind kept replaying his lips leaving hers before leaving her entirely. It was embarrassing. Today was Midsummers, where they were honoring Ward Cameron as knight of the rhododendron. She dreaded going, knowing he was going to be there with all his friends and girls coming up to him wanting to dance or get a bump. It made her want to throw up. Before she could let her mind replay again what happened last night, Sarah busted in.

"Jules, you are gunna shit a brick when you hear this," The messy blonde flung herself into bed next to Julia, propping her head up in her hand. Julia sat up, amazed that Sarah was home finally.

"Where the fuck were you? I sent you like a million texts worrying about you!" She sputtered to which Sarah's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Texts? I never got any..." The wild child looked down at her phone to which she bit her lip, looking back up at her friend. "Ooopps... Sorry? I think I had bad service." She said apologetically, letting Julia look at the messages she had sent.

hey girlie

helllo? 🙃

um, sos do i need to send out an amber alert

rose got the passion of the christ crown for midsummers

im scared what are you doing

your dad tried to talk to me like i was you and it weirded me out because hes not my dad

r u dead

sarah what the actual fuck

svu theme song plays

good talk 👌🏻

Julia and Sarah had a good laugh as the messages finally flooded in, confirming Sarah's story that she did indeed, did not get the messages. The sleepy blonde, leaned back into her pillows, crossing her arms waiting for her friend to explain herself. "And, what is your story?" Julia said in a condemning tone. Sarah sat up fully, crossing her legs to then lean into Julia and whispered.

"I kissed John B." Then her hand covered her mouth. Julia's eyes got wide. Sarah uncovered her mouth. "And I broke up with Topper, he told me he loved me before I was going to sleep with him and-and I just didn't feel that way toward him. So I left him, and then the next day told him it was over." She whispered solemnly. "And I was with John B all day yesterday and last night at Chapel Hill. Helping him with his treasure hunt and Tannyhill has a plant map that has the key to where this really old Royal Merchant gold is." The other blonde said quickly before closing her mouth again, before uncovering it to spew more audacious information. "Oh, I'm also dating John B, now. And Rafe and Topper and Kelce are assholes and keep trying to hurt John B and his friends and yeah," Sarah finally breathed exaggeratedly.

Julia's eyes were wide with shock, trying to process everything she was told. John B. Breaking up with Topper. John B, new Sarah boy toy. Rafe being an asshole, nothing new. Gold?! "Um, are you talking about real life Goonie shit?" Julia referenced the old 80's movie where teens find treasure in old town lore.

Sarah nodded slowly, her eyes bright and smile mischievous. "Yes. Real life Goonies." She grinned up at Julia, shaking her shoulders. "So! Are you on Team Pogue?!" Sarah rocked Julia back and forth, and Julia shrugged her off.

"Uh, no way." Julia threw her hands up defensively. "I'm team no one, I'm team Julia stays out of trouble," She laughed, much to Sarah's dismay. Did Julia want to go on a risky treasure hunt? Hell no. That screamed an arrest that would hinder her impending college applications. Not to mention, displease the guy she was secretly pining for but maybe not anymore after last nights rejection.

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