The Before

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The way she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder showed a little annoyance, but Julia still pressed on. "C'mon!" She whined as she laid belly down on her mother's messy sheets, head propped up in her hands while Violet sat on the floor of her room.

The older woman was criss-cross legged as she sat herself in-front of a full length mirror, applying mascara. Putting the tube down, she glanced over her shoulder at her daughter and let out a long breath.

"Fine," She dragged out dramatically, grabbing another compact, this time some blush. Julia's eyes lit up and put her teeth over her lower lip and giggled. She loved hearing stories of her mother's youth, just knowing her mom was her age once... Julia admired how far her mother has overcome to get where they sit today. The younger blonde always wanted to be like Violet Wasson.

"So," She began with a click of her tongue all the while a blush brush gently dabbed at her cheeks. "I must've been.. what? Maybe fifteen, or sixteen, something like that. Rose was thirteen or fourteen I think then.. So anyways," Violet focused her sight on her face. Carefully sculpting her face with blush and bronzer. " Grammy was mad that we didn't do our chores... Mostly me, I was always, you know, me," She laughed with a breath before continuing. "Your dad was just dying to take me and our friends to this place in Kitty Hawk that he claimed had the best sunset and place to smoke the devils lettuce without the cops trolling around, "She joked and Julia gagged.

"Ew, mom, not funny. Just say weed." Julia retorted sarcastically.

Violet rolled her eyes as she set her sights on her daughter that gazed from her bed. "Anyways!" She chirped loudly. "I was running around my room, throwing clothes as Grammy was yelling 'bap,bap,bap' whatever at me and Rose is all mad that I wouldn't let her wear one of my thongs because thats 'normal,' " They laughed together and Julia shook her head. "I threw on something finally and heard your dad's bike roar up. It was a crappy bike he kept fixing. Then breaking. Then fixing," Violet laughed, stopping for a minute to look at herself. Julia stared at her mom. She looked as if she was remembering the memory in pictures. A small heartfelt smile glided on her lips as she looked on.

"Well, as I run out the door with Rose calling me every name under the sun. She had a mouth that one, and they called me the bad one," Laughing again, she was moving onto pushing some gel into her brows to get shape, eyes focused. "I hopped onto his bike and I felt.. funny as I sat. Like, almost I didn't have underwear on but... like I did?! I was, I knew because I put on a fresh cute pair... Just in case, ya know," Her brows drew up and rose up and down comically. Julia pushed her head in her hands and groaned.

"No sex stories," Lifting her head up, blowing strands of hair from her eyes. "Please I beg," She crooned and Violet sighed. "Your loss," She teased.

"Back to the panty situation, I got off the bike and stuck my hands in my pants and ya know what?" Violet gazed at herself in the mirror. Her face was made up to perfection. Complexion clear, blush and bronzer toning her face, eyes brightened with mascara, brows clean and precise. If her mother only saw her now.

"What?" Julia questioned, cocking a curious brow.

"The little beyotch cut a hole in my thong. Like, snipped a hole, so half of my hoo-ha was exposed to the wind!" Violet bellowed, leaning back as she laughed. Julia gasped before joining her mother in hysterical laughter. The younger blonde shook her head in disbelief.

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