Chapter Five

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"Be a good girl," The words echoed inside her head. Her body began to stir and feel warm in areas that it shouldn't. Her body felt like it had been shocked by static. Julia popped her eyes open, startled by the way her dreams seemed to bring back everything she wanted to forget. She woke up agitated with the fact that her body betrayed her mind. How could her night have taken such a turn? Julia kept pondering why Rafe seemed so drawn to her when he was under the influence and she guessed, why she too was drawn to him. Both, haven't spoken many sober words to each other but the way his body is pulled to her and her, his. The feeling of his lips... She groaned out-loud. Pushing the warmth in her stomach away, she pushed herself to get ready. Today, she had her own agenda in mind. With a glance out the window, it seemed to be overcast. She grabbed a pair of high-waisted black leggings. Julia's thin arm reached out to find a grey cropped zip up sweatshirt. Her hazel eyes scanned the room and found her white ked sneakers. She had wiped her face clean with makeup wipes and now began to put on a casual face of makeup. Tinted BB cream, a little blush, brow groom and then mascara to darken her lashes. Julia tousled her still beach waves and then headed down into the kitchen where the sounds of voices traveled around the house.

The smell of bacon wafted in the air. Turning the staircase corner, Julia was not surprised to see a private chef cooking the family breakfast. Sarah and Ward were not seen but Rose, Violet, Wheezie and of course, to her dismay, Rafe. Julia's eyes avoid him and focused instead on the girls. "Morning," She hummed, going to the island where an array of breakfast items were neatly plated. Grabbing a plate, she put on two strips of the crispiest pieces of bacon (since those were superior) a little bit of the cheesy scrambled eggs, one piece of Texas toast and a small cup of fruit. Walking towards the dining table, she mulled her options quickly on where to sit. Her best option was to sit across from Rose, that way she was no where near Rafe's view. "So, is anyone taking any of the cars today? I wanted to go into Kildare center to the library... pick up another book or something." Julia stated casually, popping a bite of egg in her mouth.

An unexpected voice piped up. "I am," Rafe announced, taking a sip of the coffee in his hand. "I have some Cameron Estate business to do and then some errands." He spoke, looking at her, Julia could see it in her peripheral vision.

"Mom, want to walk the beach with me today? It's a cool day, perfect for a long stroll," Julia changed the subject, looking over to her mom.

Violet wore an athleisure matching set. Julia's eyes focused more intensely at her mother, she had some good color from the sun but her cheeks looked a little more sunken in than usual. "No thanks, Jules baby. I'm just feeling eh, today. Maybe tomorrow," Violet stated with a regretful smile. Perhaps it was all the wine night caps with Rose getting to her?

"If Rafe's passing by town, then he could drop you off? Would you take her?" Violet went on and looked at Rafe who sat across from Wheezie.

"Violet and I have plans to go out to grab a few things in... Kitty Hawk, would you please Rafe?" Rose interjected, nodding the way she wanted him to answer. No, no, no, no, she did not want that.

Finishing the last piece of her crunching bacon, Julia rose to her feet. "Nah, it's okay! I'll walk! Or I'll take Sarah's bike. Like I said its a cool day out today-" Julia rambled on as Rose's hand went up to wave her to stop talking.

"Sarah took her bike earlier, Rafe will drive you, won't you?" Rose's eyes narrowed on him.

His eyes were looking at Rose. Julia saw his jaw clench, before giving a nod. "Yeah, sure. No problem," He mumbled, before pushing his chair out to begin to walk towards the front door. Julia forced a grin for Rose and her mother.

"Okay, see you guys later!" She peeped as she went to catch up with Rafe.


He was already in the black SUV, his fingers impatiently tapping the top of the wheel. Taking a breath, she opened the door and hopped into the passenger seat. The car was already on so all he had to do was shift gears and start driving. His window was down a couple of inches, letting the cooler breeze seep into her car. She rested her hands in her lap, her fingers picking at raw skin that had been cracking.

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