Chapter 14: In private

Start from the beginning

It has been hard to go to my office today after breakfast. It's Saturday, so I shouldn't be working at all but Miss Welling texted me she has some stuff to talk about. We went through it pretty fast but still.
The hardest part was getting up after breakfast. Wanda has been giving me looks throughout the whole meal and I could tell she was turned on and wanted to have sex.
If I would have had just five more minutes, I would have agreed to have a quickie but I didn't. The look in her eyes and the suggestive actions during breakfast are still stuck in my brain though, making me want to end this and call her in asap.

"When should I schedule a new meeting with him?" Miss Welling asks. I look at the calendar near the desk.

"Next week Monday. He has to learn to be patient, otherwise he thinks he can direct us as he pleases." I answer and she nods, noting it down. "Is that it for today?"

She looks through some papers in front of her and nods.
"I apologize again, for bothering you on a Saturday." She says but I wave it off.
I don't want her to feel bad for texting me and asking for a meeting. She's very efficient and a great assistant. Sometimes, she just gets caught up in something and worries about it. I learned it's best if I talk to her about it and help settle it. Most of the time it doesn't take very long anyway.

"You don't have to. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. I'll see you Monday at 9." I reply and after she nods and waves, I end the meeting.

Usually, work starts at 8 am but I like to give my workers the option of coming at 9 am on Mondays, just to keep their motivation up.

I lean back in my desk chair and look out the window again. Our neighbor has almost finished mowing his lawn. His son comes around the house with a hose. It's been rather dry and warm the last few days, watering the lawn is important if you don't want it to dry out. I make a little note to myself to remind it and stick it to my laptop before putting it away into one of the drawers.

Since Wanda and I both work in here, we like to keep the desk clean and free. We both got three drawers on each side of the desk that can hold a lot with how deep they are, but they are just matching the desk. Well, the desk is even wider but a drawer that long would me impractical.

There's a knock on the door, making me swivel around in my chair.

"Come in." I call. Wanda opens the door. She changed from her earlier sleeping clothes into shorts and a thin top that lets me see the black bra underneath.

"Are you all done?" She asks, pushing the door more open. I smile and nod.

"All done." I confirm. A grin forms on her lips in an instant and she approaches me to straddle my thighs, her hands linked behind my neck.

She smells fresh and sweet, just like she did when I first met her. No parfum in the world could ever beat this. My hands find her hips, keeping her from slipping off the chair by accident.

"I missed you." She murmurs, placing kisses along my jawline. I smile and draw small circles into her side.

"You saw me at breakfast an hour ago." I remind her and kiss her temple. She kisses back to my lips, giving me a sweet kiss that has a hint of a fire.

"So?" She asks back, her fingers playing with the hair in my neck.

After ten years of being with her, I can read her as easily as a book. I know every expression, every look, every bit of body language.
And I know, she is still turned on, her pupils just a tiny bit dilated and her actions all calculated to lure me in to have sex with her. As if she had to convince me to do this.

"Quite horny lately, hm?" I tease, giving her butt a squeeze that makes her grin. We already had sex yesterday, two times. Not that I'm complaining, I love having sex with my wife. Wanda grins, not the slightest bit ashamed of it and why should she be.

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