"I will. Thank you Kelvin."

"Here you go Sookie. Come on through." Kelvin told her.

"Thank you, kind Sir!" Sookie smiled as she reclaimed her purse.

"You ladies have a great day!"

"They are so friendly here." Sookie said as she followed Lorelai to reception.

"Apparently it was never like this before Rory took over. I've definitely noticed a difference in the last few times I've been here."

"Which one is the one you think looks like The Rock?"

"The guy who greeted us at the door."

"You're right, he kind of does."

"Good Morning Ladies, welcome to HPG! What can I do for you?" the man at the reception desk asked.

"Hi, I'm Rory Huntzberger's mother, Lorelai, and this is my friend Sookie. I need to get a visitor's pass for her."

"I'll need an ID from both of you. Is Mrs. Huntzberger expecting you?"

"I actually already have a security badge. I just need one for Sookie. She'll be here with me both today and tomorrow. She is catering the clinic opening. And yes, my daughter is expecting us."

"Wonderful." the man said as Lorelai pulled out her security badge, then Sookie handed over her driver's license, which he scanned, then handed back to her, along with a sticker with her name and picture on it. "Here you are Ma'am. Your daughter is in her office. Would you like an escort?"

"Thankyou, but that isn't necessary. I know how to get there." Lorelai told him.

"Alright then, you both have a wonderful day!"

"Thanks, you too!" Sookie said as she followed Lorelai through the lobby.

"You know what, turn around, let's go check the clinic before we head upstairs. Logan may be down here working." Lorelai said changing direction midstep, and rerouting herself in their quest for the elevator bank.

"The clinic is down here?"

"Yep ,bottom floor, corner office."

"That's convenient."

"Logan is even getting his own personal security guard for the exterior door if they decide to use it. The original plan was to have access from both inside and outside of the building, but then the other day they realized that by having the exterior door open, it would allow people to enter and exit the building without going through security, so they are going trying to figure out if it's easier to have a security officer posted at the door, or if it's easier to just use the lobby doors and make everyone go through security that way."

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