WTDKOEVG - a breath of fresh air

78 3 14

helloo, this is probably the first entry thats not that popular

the full title of this book is "when the dark king of electricity 'visited' Goiky" i can use an abbreviation

i highly recommend you read this book before you read my review so you can form your own consensus before you read mine


this is by far the least most popular book ive ever reviewed, which you might come after me for reviewing such a small book, but in fairness the author asked me to so,

and while originally i set out to review more popular books, i defintley am not against reviewing more smaller books, even if less people will "care" about my opinion about them

while the first few chapters have 20-25 votes the last few have barely 4 so is this dropout really warranted?

my actual review(spooooolerrsss):

before i actually critique this book i want to get one thing straight.

i love this books writing style

i mean its so quippy and it feels like someone is actually just telling us his events of the story we are reading, its not very often books in general are written like this but they have a soft spot in my heart.

it feels kind of like a mockumentary, if i were to describe it honestly. very original.

honestly this book is also very original, its not every day you see a book somehow combine among us, bfb, the henry stickman and its original characters, and the way its executed is a diffrent thing entirely but yeah i stand by that anytime a book tries something new, it automatically is atleast not a one

except conflicted by you because that book sucked

alright speaking of the execution of the book, ehh its not great.

it very much feels like the author was building up and up to the climax however suffers from the fact that it seemingly forgets plotlines.

for example the topatt clan is explained to have some sort of connection with no visor (who ill get to in a second) however they seem to disappear.  they may have been just flashback characters, however i recall someone getting a message from henry stickman that goes nowhere.

speaking of plot lines that go nowhere, evil leafy and steely, they were introduced as evil leafy kind of being lonely because all of the other evil variants are gone so she makes some tunnels but then is stopped by no visor i think? and then she makes her tunnel and the end

while i wasnt interested in this plot line, it was pretty compelling if not coming out of nowhere so to see it disappear was kinda sad.

and yes they did explain that this book isnt about them, why even make this a plotline? like am i missing something?

most characters appear and disappear out of nowhere aswell, for example firey and leafy were being set up to be the main characters untill leafy gets infected and firey has to escape her

while im not saying every story needs a main character, it'd be good since this story seems to constantly switch from place to place.

the first few chapters mostly set up no visor, who for some reason shows up out of nowhere with a substance that increases in you when you hate someone for no reason.

what i really hate about this book is that things just come out of nowhere with no explanation and the author i guess assumes we already know what they are.

theres one chapter which i guess tries to explain no visor but honestly the author introduces so many new people that wont even appear in future chapters that it honestly feels like filler if anything. 

if your asking if im going to review the individual characters, i cant really do that in this book because none of them really go through much development or as important to the story overall except 

no visor:

no visor is the antagonist of the story originating from among us before letting hate consume him

i think

i may have skipped over it, but there is no real explanation on where he comes from, why he does the things he does, how he gets his power or really anything besides what we get from the book.

and while maybe in the sequels he was more developed, as i said in my alight review a book should be able to stand on its own without a sequel.


WTDKOEVG's title probably perfectly describes it.

it is a very original book, taking bold risks and honestly i applaud, however with its bloated structure, messy pacing and characters that really all feel the same i cannot just disregard all these critiques. 

so with all this being said i am rating this book a decent to strong three on the pendulum of bfdi fanfiction 

next review is In the spotlight after that idk

unless i get like 6 followers in the next three days, i have no more books to review so please feel free to suggest honestly anythings on the table

as long as its bfdi or atleast related to the osc

hello non reviewing AGB here. sorry my schedule has been a bit inconsistent, schools a bitch.

ive been trying to get that two-three day release schedule but thats not really a guarantee.

anyways cya 

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