idolised lies - overrated masterpiece

118 3 31

alright so i wont review seasons UNTILL it is finished

im only reviewing book that are either finished or on indefinite hiatus, those are the rules i will probably break anyways

reputation (yayy its back):

idolised lies is the second leafcake finished book, its more popular than gone without you, which isnt surprising since gwy has more of an angsty tone while idolised lies not really.

and this isnt just because of the amount of votes, it was actually first in the bfdi tag. the only other book ive reviewed so far having this title being fireys reign soo.

idolised lies also holds the distinction of the only bfdi idol book, or atleast popular bfb idol book, and with a run time of about 7 hours its pretty long aswell.

 so is idolised lies deserving of the most popular leafcake book. idk dude read the review maybe

my actual review (sailers):

brief overview:

Idolised lies is defintley a book that is not shy to angst, even if i first thought that it was more of a wholesome book, the first few chapters are pretty dark. 

the parallels in this book are everywhere, if you really want to look you could probably find them everywhere and i love that. i love theres small details in a book, it gives it more reread value 

characters (yes i am seriously going to dissect fireafy fanfiction for characters)

leafy is defintley introduced well, you get her motivations and while u dont get the meaning untill later, you understand her goals as they are well defined and set in stone.

shes probably the best part of this book, while i probably consider her the main character, the focus switches to firey to the mid-late chapters of the book. 

honestly i really rooted for leafy in this book, leafcake defintley did a great job of making me care about leafy

while i cant really say the same about firey.

fireys a good character and in the later chapters, he really gets to shine but in the first few hes never really gotten the time he needed to develop his character. 

the first chapter that focuses on firey stops halfway through to him meeting leafy at a vending machine, which i thought was a bit unnecessary especially since nothing really progresses the plot. 

and yeah i understand why, you cant have the book just all be moving parts you need some filler inbetween but couldnt have this been moved so we could truly see how lonely firey is (or how popular he is)

my main complaint about this section of the book is how much leafy forgives firey

i understand that you want to make it seem like they didnt fall in love immediately, but i personally was annoyed on how much leafy was able to override fireys faults even before they were together.

and yes this is explained later with the whole ruby thing but still, leafy had no reason to keep continuing, she even says it herself.

chapter 10-11 kinda try to rush them being friends, and while it was a long time coming in the au, in the book it ends up feeling a bit forced atleast in my opinion 

alright brief intermission between firey and leafy, here are the side characters:

four is defintley a good supporting character, while he rarely appears when he does, he provides what he does which is a confidant and supporter for leafy.

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