bloom - fireafy done right

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bloom is the last book of the realistic fireafy trilogy or can i call it a trilogy since theres a coinpin book in the middle uhhhhh, yes im skipping reputation because i cant really say much about it here

my actual review (soilers):

im going to get this out of the way, bloom is definitely the best book in the trilogy and it is definitely in my top three fanfics on here.

i don't think i have to dwell on the core writing part on this, as ohaven definitely brings their a-game here. the way they describe things is incredible,  mundane things like coffee cups are really fleshed out.

speaking of fleshed out

the characters in this are probably the peak in this trilogy, honestly for firey he feels like a 180 of his writing in alight and thats for the better.

bloom firey feels like an actual person, he constantly screws up but your rooting for him. he constantly pushes away consequences of his actions which is very believable even for his character in bfdi.

what i personally see in alot of other fanfics, is that firey will feel like an oc or extremely flanderized , this also goes for like any other character but yeah since firey is probably my favorite character. i see it more often.

i really don't know how to describe it, it really feels like he would be able to be interchanged with the actual firey. the only real complaint and this is more of a nitpick, is that his dialogue can seem a bitt forced with snowball and coiny but maybe thats just me.

leafy in this book is probably the closest the wattpad osc fandom will get to an actual good written depressed leafy.

leafy feels so believable in this, while i dont personally struggle with depression, the way ohaven crafts the chapters with leafy as the focus is brilliant. the metaphors and the realism all help with this. anytime a leafy chapter came up i dreaded it and i see that as a postive.

leafy doubting fireys love for her, since yeah he left is something if not in the book, i wouldve probably missed. i see why leafy would have abandonment issues.

also i like this book totally ignores whatever alight was setting up about dream island, like that was going no where lets be honest.

i honestly get both sides of the argument they both have in this story, and while im not an expert, i can honestly see why both of them would do the things they do and by my standards it takes a really good story to do that.

what im trying to get at, is that firey and leafy both are probably the highlights of an incredible book, which the main characters being the highlight is probably a good thing.

the side characters while appearing in only a few chapters are still very good.

as i said before, i somewhat dislike that needle and snowball forgave firey and that needle was barely in this book but i also understand why needle isnt here, i mean theres no reason for her to be here.

snowball is now expanded on from alight, his and fireys friendship aswell. i see why these guys would be friends and would hang out, same with his and coinys.

pin and coinys final chapter i guess in this universe of leafy fixing pins paper cut, offered much needed comic relief in an otherwise pretty angsty book. 

while smokey is defintley the comic relief of this book, i still see why he was needed. the obvious point is because contuinty but it really makes sense that leafy would still be so emotionally attached to him and when she admits that without him, she could die mann.

its pretty hard to find any real faults with any the characters in this book.

if i were to be honest, i really have no complaints with the plot.

while some chapters feel somewhat like filler, personally they all serve a purpose and removing one would make the book feel clunky. if i were to descrbe this book it would probably be "a better alight"

first of all firey finally has to face the consequences of his actions on what he did to needle. while personally, i'm not a big fan of needle and snowball kind of forgiving firey for what he did, but still leafy being actually scared for her safety around firey is so heartbreaking man and you know firey has changed.

but has he? the second thing i like about the plot, is that firey hasnt really changed, you don't just magically change after a happy ever after because there is a day after the happy ever after. and im not saying people cant change at all, what im saying is that it requires time and this book beautifully executes that message.

atleast i got that message from the book, but hey everyone interprets literature their own way.


bloom is one of the best written fireafy books on wattpad, i cannot stress that enough.

the characters, the little descriptions for everything, everything just enhances this world and while it might not be perfect. in my humble opinion bloom deserves the first 10/10.

wow it only took 4 chapters to find a 10/10, well what did u except. im reviewing ohaven books

next review will probably conflicted by you or idolized lies, idk 

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