Chapter Eleven

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  "Why do you think so many men have been calling me about you. I'm sure you belong to someone". He acted like I was a piece of property. "I belong to the Esposito's. I work for you, I obey you, sometimes I can't follow through with obeying because you are just as useless as some of the milkmaids." His hand goes to hit me, and I get ready to take it before it falls to his side.

    "Let's just see how useful you'll become when you are crawling and begging me for mercy." An almost empty threat laced with whatever drug he'd find to use against me that day. "Do it, make me get on my knees and beg for your mercy". I daringly say he looks at me within seconds his leg whips behind mine. Marco knocking my knee out I looked up at him smiling.

I sat about at his waist on my knees. "Oh no, please spare me some mercy", I sarcastically mention my eyes boring into his soul. A sly smile still coating my lips, Marco's drunk endeavors cause my smile to fall, removing his coat. I could see all of the gadgets he had just stashed. Knifes, tucked in pockets some well hidden others for easy access. He wore a holster a black one that had blended well.

   Two large pistols, one held in each side. "If you had all of this on you, why not just kill me for insulting you?" I question he shrugs staring at me. "Just as much as I'd prefer you dead. You bring yourself to work every day and don't ask for vacations willingly. An obedient doll easy to break but harder to kill". His hand reaching under my chin, pulling my head up slightly.

    I don't know what kind of intentions Marco Esposito exactly had, some seemed so unclear others would've rather had me six feet under. "Well of course, I soothed you to sleep like a child listening to a sweet lullaby from their parents". I'd rubbed what I had done in his face just a smidge. His thumb brushes over my lip and I shuddered uncomfortably at his touch.

     A vile human being like Marco deserved to rot at the first chance he'd gotten. "If you weren't obligated to be here, I'd treat you like the bitch you fucking are". I cocked a brow, "You act as if you already haven't". I continue being on my knees and freakishly close to his groin felt disgusting as is. I wanted out but had to hear his poor sob story before I could be let go.

    "Such a fucking useless slut --" Marco's hand grabs my hair.

The door fly's open and through a fit of happiness Danielle screams, "Happy birthday Marco!" My eyes widening my heart dropping. "Oh..uh I'm sorry!" Danielle runs away sounding like she was crying.

   Marco looks down at me "did she?" I nodded. Marco began laughing manically his hand releasing the intense grip he has on her. I finally stand-up dusting myself off, "I'll call that a night, happy birthday sir". I excuse myself leaving Marco to his lonesome. I could hear Danielle's ugly sobs from a mile away.

   "What the fuck happened to you?" A voice calls out and I turn, my eyes meeting James'. "You should be asking that to wailing nelly over there". I point towards the hallway. "I'd rather not and who has Marco made cry again?" He asks his grey hair breaking at his old age. "Danielle", his mouth forms into a large O shape he nods before running a hand through his hair.

  "That sounds like I'll be heading to bed, have a goodnight, James". I sigh heading towards my bedroom.

  The night consuming me whole and the sleep not getting any better id have to try my best to steer clear of others.

   My eyes flutter open hearing someone open the shutters, "good morning sunshine". I groan flipping my head back into the covers. "It's too early" I mumble into the covers. "Mariana it's past twelve" I froze at the name, my body gone cold and I could feel the goosebumps form on my arms. I lift my head up slightly to see who was in my room.

"What the fuck are you doing here", I question my brother stands in the corner of the room his arms crossed. "To warn you" he says I begun sitting up, my hair half a mess. I fixed my pajama shirt blinking idly at Angelo.

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