Never felt this way about anyone (Part 2)

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I tossed and turned all night, wondering if Rafe really meant what he was saying, or if he would even remember by the time he woke up.

When I finally fell asleep, and woke up in the morning I immediately checked my phone, and was more then surprised when I saw his name on my screen.

Rafe: Hey

Rafe: Are you up??

Rafe: Call me

Me: hi i just woke up

Rafe: Oh good morning

Rafe: Can I come over??

Me:  u remember last night

Rafe: Sorta. I'm coming over

Me: okay

I don't think I have ever got out of bed faster, running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, and washing my face.

The camerons were only a 2 minute drive so I didn't even have time to change out of my pyjamas before I head my mom yell. "Y/n, Rafes here to see you!"

"I just woke up can you send him up?" I yelled back. I heard footsteps up the stairs and quickly tried to fix my hair in the mirror. Rafe walked into my bedroom and I awkwardly spoke. "Hi.."

"Hey" He said, shutting the door behind him. "Cute nightie." He held in a laugh, at my hello kitty pyjamas. "Shut up, I just woke up." I sighed, putting my face in my hands as I sat on my bed.

"Yeah so um.. I just wanted to talk and ask what happened last night?" He asked. "What do you remember?" I asked. "I-I don't know just tell me everything I said and did and if I embarrassed myself." He said.

"Do you remember if you meant what you said? Because this is ganna be really awkward if it wasn't true." I said. "Y/n, I just said I don't know what went on! I remember being drunk on the beach, and you and Top and Kelce brung me home.. I don't really remember anything else but you being there when I fell asleep." He said.

I sighed, not even knowing where to start.

"Um.. this is ganna be really embarrassing for me so promise to never bring it up again." I said. "Fine." He nodded.

"Well.. basically you told me you like me, and um.. I guess you apologized for being a dick to me, and you.. you said you loved me. I-I didn't know what to do because obviously you hate me and you were talking out of your ass so I got Topper and Kelce to help me get you home and to your room. They left and I got you in your bed. You asked me to stay but I said I had to leave." I said. "Oh my god.. oh..oh my god." He said.

"Yeah um.. so this is awkward, I know you didn't mean it so you.. you can go." I said. He didn't say anything, but also didn't move.

It was silent for a moment before he spoke. "So uh.. I guess Ive already said it so it won't hurt to say again.. It was all true Y/n. Everything. Im sorry Ive been such an ass to you, you just-Ive never felt the way I feel about you before. You can tell me to leave now and I will.." He said.

When I didn't say anything, he took that as he sign to go, towards my bedroom door but I stood to stop him. "Don't go.." I said.

Confused, he turned to look at me.

"I have liked you since we were kids Rafe. You don't know how sad I would be when you wouldn't even say hi so me. I always try to get your attention or do my makeup extra good when I know Im ganna be around you and God, I was so scared you were coming over because you were ganna see me without any makeup and like my friken' ugly pimples out and shit. I always-" He interrupted me.

"You're so beautiful Y/n. I don't think Ive ever said that to a girl before but fuck I really mean it." He said. "Thank you, but yes you have." I couldn't hide my smile. "Nah, I don't think so." He said.

"Like a thousand times last night." I giggled. I saw his cheeks redden, making me smile. "Never thought Id see Rafe Cameron blush." I laughed.

"Trust me, only around you." He said, making me let out another laugh. "So um.. you really mean everything then?" I asked. "Every word." He nodded.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I kissed you?" I blushed. "Oh please do." He grinned, cupping my face and kissing me.

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