Here for you~Drew

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request from: meeeegano <3

A week ago, we were filming on set of Outer Banks, when Drew became quiet. He finished filming his scenes and went straight home after, not talking to anyone.

We all called him, texted, Nick even ordered food to his apartment, but we heard nothing from him.

Every Friday, we go to Madelyns apartment for drinks and games, but tonight Drew didn't show up.

"Anyone know what's happening with Drew?" Asked Chase. Everyone shrugged, "I dunno, he went quiet, won't answer any calls." Said JD.

"I'm worried about him." Said Austin. "We all are" Said Madelyn.

"Has anyone tried going to check on him?" I asked. "No.. I feel like we should let him answer calls, first, maybe he doesn't wanna see us." Said Nick.

"I-I think I'm ganna go." I said. "You sure?" Asked Madison. "I need to make sure he's okay." I said.

"Okay, update us." Said Rudy. "I will." I nodded. 

I left Madelyns apartment, and walked up a floor to Drews.

I knocked on the apartment door and waited a minute before he opened.

He had on a hoodie and sweats, and looked tired. "Hey.." He said. "Hi.. Can.. could I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He opened the door and let me walk in, shutting it behind me.

He didn't say another word as we both say on the couch.

"Um.. are you okay?" I asked. He didn't say anything for a minute, looking at the ground before speaking, "I'm okay." He nodded.

"It's just. whatever's going on.. you can talk to us. We love you Drew, we're worried. We are here for you, no matter what." I spoke.

"I love you all as well Y/n. I-I didn't wanna make a big deal outta things I mean I'm fine, I'm healthy, I'm here" He said.

"I-okay.. If you don't wanna talk about it it's okay, I won't push you. I'll leave you alone, I'm sorry, I should've listened to them and gave you space." I said as I stood up.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa, Y/n, I appreciate you coming, I just.. to be honest I didn't wanna bother you." He said.

"Drew, you can always talk to me. I'm here for you, always." I said.

"Thank you Y/n." He said. "I-just.. its officially been 10 years since my best friend overdosed.. I thought I was over it but when I saw the date that day on set I guess it just hit me hard." He said.

"I'm so sorry, Drew that's so terrible." I spoke. "It's life." He said.

"You're aloud to have emotions y'know. You're allowed to cry, and be sad, you don't gotta act all tough all the time." I said.

When he didn't say anything, I wrapped my arms around his chest, hugging him.

He hugged me back, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

As we were hugging, the front door, slowly slid open, the rest of the cast creeping in, and joining the hug.

"We don't know what's going on, but we're here for you, brother." Chase whispered. "Holy shit I don't deserve you guys." Drew let out a little laugh as we all pulled away.

"We love you, seriously you had us scared as fuck." Said Madison.

Drew explained what had happened and everyone listened to him.

We spent the night as his place this time, ordering food and listening to stories about his old friend.


At the end of the night, everyone was falling asleep when me and Drew were the only ones awake, and creeped to the kitchen for a snack.

"Y/n.. I wanna say thank you, for coming over and making me have a fun night instead of laying in my bed, being all sad." He said. "Anytime." I smiled.

"I know you would be here for me, so I needed to be here for you." I said.

"If you want, you can sleep in my bed with me since your the last one awake, o-or if you don't wanna you can sleep in the living room I don't mind." He said. "Id love to sleep in the bed." I let out a laugh. "Cool." He said awkwardly.

We both went to his room, and got in the bed. It was more then awkward, no one spoke and we both were stiff, not moving at all.

Very slowly we moved closer and closer until finally, I had the courage to rest my head on his chest, and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Goodnight Drew" I whispered. "Goodnight." He whispered back.

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