"Someone help me up!" Rory said holding her hands out for one of the guys to help her up from her spot on the floor. Logan pulled his wife up, then followed her to the clinic door where they watched Sylvester being escorted out of the building.

"Carlos! Follow him out of the parking garage." Logan said as the security team passed by the office door. "I want to make sure he's completely gone, and off the property."

"I'm on it."

"Doctor Huntzberger, here is Mr. Huntzberger's company ID and security card." one of the other security officers said, holding the two cards out for Logan.

"Will you give them to Doyle for me? Have him put them on Rory's desk."

"No problem, Sir."

"Thank you for your help today, James."

"You actually know my name?" the security officer asked, completely surprised that Logan had used his name.

"I'm not my Dad. I make it a point to know everyone in this building. You've also been here for several years."

"I had no idea that you knew any of that."

"I make it a point know who everyone is. Especially the valuable employees. Thank you for everything that you do for us."

"You are very welcome Sir. Thank you and your wife for being so gracious."

"It's our pleasure. Hey, would you mind sending Carlos in to see me when he has a few minutes?"

"I'd be happy to. I'll track him down right now." James said, reaching for his radio microphone that was clipped to his security jacket. "Carlos, what is your location? Alright, Doctor Huntzberger asked for you to stop by the clinic office to speak with him when you have a free moment . . . Thanks, I'll let him know." James answered. "Carlos will be right out. He's in the camera office watching as the police get Mr. Huntzberger off the grounds."

"Thanks James. Oh, Rory's Dad is on his way here with his tool box to help us build furniture. Please don't let anyone give him a hard time and insist on searching his tools. Just wave him and Lorelai through, and send them in here."

"Rory's Mom is coming?"

"Yes, both her Mom and Dad."

"Rory's mother is gorgeous! All the guys think so."

"Yes, she is. Rory definitely has some great genes." Logan smiled.

"I'll send them in when they get here. If you guys need extra help, I'm pretty good at doing furniture assembly. I'm happy to help."

"I'll let Carlos know that he's free to send you in if he doesn't need you. Thank you James."

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