"You're welcome. I like having you around too." Rory smiled. "Thanks for what you said as well. It means a lot."

"You and I have a lot in common, being the outsiders in this family."

"That's for sure. But at least we have a good relationship, right?"

"Yes, definitely! I'm sorry the crazies have hated you for so long. I've never understood it. I happen to like you a lot."

"Thanks Josh. I like you too. I actually need your help with something."

"What's that?"

"Logan's birthday is next week."

"We'll definitely do something. Let's talk later, ok?"

"Thank you." Rory said as she looked toward Mitchum who was hunched over in his chair, with this hands clasped together, looking at the floor. "Do you think Mitchum is ok?"


"Should we check on him?"

"Do you think we should?"

"Is it weird that I'm scared?"

"Want me to do it?"

"Will you?"

"Sure." Josh said then slowly got up from his seat and walked over to Mitchum. "Hey, you ok Mitchum? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine. That was an awfully big blow Logan just threw at his mother."

"I know. How much of it did you know about?"

"Very little. I only knew about as much as Shira."

"Maybe you should go comfort her."

"She's got the kids."

"But you're her husband. If it were Honor, I'm who she would want."

"Shira and I aren't like you and Honor."

"I know that you two have had your differences, and haven't had the strongest marriage, but you're still her husband. I think it would go a long way to helping things between the two of you." Josh told him, then went to sit back down with Rory.

Meanwhile . . .

"Mom, I'm sorry." Logan said as he crouched down on the floor next to Honor, and looked up at his mother as she cried. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm really sorry."

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