"Please, he's a Huntzberger. And I tried to buy him out once before." Logan said as he flipped through the paperwork.

"He's boarding the company jet in an hour, and a moving company has been hired to pack up his house and transport his belongings to his new place of residence." Richard explained.

"For real?"

"And I had to buy his shares." Rory added.

"But he's gone. For good?"

"Off the board and out of our lives!"

"Ace! You are amazing!" Logan said excitedly as he threw his arms around his wife.

"I told you that people change."

"I am taking you guys to dinner tonight, to celebrate. Anywhere you want." Logan said as he let go of Rory, and looked to Richard. "I can't believe the two of you pulled this off."

"Well, Rory told me that you had a little headache to deal with on the board, and asked if I might be able to help her take care of it. It was the least I could do for my favorite Granddaughter."

"And I might have given his shares to Grandpa." Rory told him.

"Hey, I have no problem with that at all!" Logan laughed.

"When do you get off work?"

"In about an hour or so. Why don't you two head home, and decide where you want to go to dinner tonight. Call in a reservation, and I'll take everyone out tonight, when I get home."

"Deal!" Rory agreed as Logan handed her back the folder.

"Was there actually something that needed my signature, or was that just an excuse for you to come visit?"

"You'll need to sign the check before it goes out, and the stock transfer paperwork, but that can all be done later."

"Alright. I'll call the accountant."

"Thanks Babe!" Rory smiled.

"You guys head home and decide where you want to eat, and I'll meet you there as soon as I can."

"Come on my dear. We've got some planning to do." Richard said as he held his arm out for Rory.

"Drive safe." Logan told them.

"Will do!"

"I love you. Be safe coming home, ok?" Rory said giving Logan a quick kiss, then linking her arm through her Grandfather's and heading for the door. "Grandpa, did you see how excited Logan was?! We totally pulled it off!"

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