As they approached, their taunting laughter filled the air, their mocking gazes fixed on me with malicious intent. I felt a pang of unease wash over me, knowing all too well the kind of vulgarity they were capable of inflicting.

They must have been there, watching the tournament, sitting somewhere I refused to look at. And of course, because Ahin and Prince Lyal presented me with the rose, everyone there saw me.

This was bound to happen.

The woman beside me seemed to sense the tension in the air, her expression faltering slightly as she glanced between me and the girls who came and surrounded me. Sensing that this wasn't the right time or place to continue our conversation, she made a swift decision.

"Excuse me," She murmured, her voice tinged with disappointment, "I'll come find you again." She turned to leave, her steps hurried but determined. It was a wise decision on her part. She was clearly a commoner and offending a noble lady would do her no good.

I watched her go, a sense of regret gnawing at me as I felt like there was something important she wanted to convey. Her eyes seemed to say so.

"Where are you looking at!" Rize snapped her fingers in front of me like one does to get the attention of a monkey.

Once again, my past had come back to haunt me. Am I not meant to have peace in my life or what?

"Well, well, well, look who it is," Thorn said, her voice dripping with contempt. "If it isn't little Miss Trouble herself, back from the depths of obscurity." She taunted me, wanting to see how I would react to her words.

I guess all of them are confused to see me. After all, I look just like their 'best friend' Corvina.

"Excuse me?" I said, "Do I know you?" I stood my ground, "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Oh, don't play dumb with us," Ravioli said, a cruel smirk twisting her lips. "We know exactly who you are—or should I say, who you look like." She twisted her words to make it look like she's confident but her words actually don't make any sense.

My brows furrowed in confusion, "And who do I look like?' Their words like daggers aimed at my heart. So, they're only here because I look like Corvina. That's such a stupid thing to do.

"You're nothing but a cheap imitation," Thorn's voice was laced with venom. "A pathetic copy of someone we despise."

Someone they despise? I was someone they despised? Huh! I scoffed, wow.

"Exactly," Rize agreed, followed by the others,

"If you despise the sight of me, why come after me?" I asked

"Huh!" Honey, the blonde pig-tailed scoffed at me, "The fact you look exactly like that whore, Corvina, pissed us all," Anger simmered beneath the surface, a fiery rage bubbling up in response to their hostility but I didn't act on it

After all

I used to be just like them. We all had these thoughts, filled with hate for each other. But as long as we were part of the same circle, we wouldn't say it to each other. But Corvina was dead now. And they could hate a dead person all they wanted.

"And so?" I looked at her with a 'disgusted' expression, "Just because I look like someone, you want to bully me?"

"Keep your mouth shut, peasant!" Thorn grabbed my hair and pulled them, making me wince, "Hmph!" She was proud of what she did, "I never got to do this with that bitch Corvina, but I like how someone had the same face." She yanked my hair up, making me stumble towards her, "I get to do whatever I want with a low-born,"

"Let me go," I glared at her


My eyes went wide when Honey slapped my face, "We told you to keep your mouth shut," She said and grabbed the other part of my hair, pulling it from the other side

I let out a yelp, "Oww! Stop!!" I tried to claw at them but they both pushed me back, making me fall butt-flat on the dirty ground, "What the hell is wrong with you people!" I looked at them, "Are you out of your mind?"

"What part of," Ravioli reached for my neck, "Keep your mouth shut, did you not understand?"


As a commoner, it isn't a wise choice to fight with nobles but these girls are getting on my nerves!

Rize reached for my neck and I slapped her hand away. She gasped as I stood up, "You bitch!" She looked at the others and decided to attack me at once.

I took a battle stance, ready to fight all of the sudden they paused.

No, it looked like they were frozen in place. Their hands were reaching out to me, their eyes moving in confusion, but their bodies stood suspended.

What is happening? I looked at them all by doing a full 360 turn, but they all remained there. Then, their dresses caught on fire.



I moved out of the circle as their eyes grew wide in panic but they couldn't speak. The fire increased, burning their dresses from the bottom and going up.

Oh man.

I stood far away from them and stared at them in disbelief. Do I get someone to help?

I folded my arms.

Or do I not? I mean, why should I?

"Help!!!" Honey managed to get her voice out, "Oh God!! Someone!! Please help!!!" She screamed but there wasn't anyone around really.

No one but me.

"Help!!!" Honey also managed to move her face and she looked at her with her eyes filled with horror, "Please," She begged, "Please help!!" The fire was flowing upwards, but it was rather slow.

"..." I didn't reply. I stared at the odd fire that was taking its time. It's the same magic. I knew it. It's the same type that burnt that rose.

"Please!!" I heard Rize's voice, "Please, do something about this!!" She was looking at me too. With tears in her eyes.

Thorn caught my attention. She still couldn't speak but she could turn her head around. Her eyes were watering and then she started to cry. I could see she was trying to speak but her lips looked as if they were super-glued together, and that fact got her distressed. Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Please," Honey said, "The fire!!" I looked down again, it had burnt a great deal of the dresses and it was burning their skin now, "God!!" She screamed but somehow, no one came in our direction.

I looked around.

I was taking a quiet path back. So, I get why no one would be here. Plus, the staff and most other people must be busy with Prince Lyal.

"Why should I help you?" I pointed at my face, "I don't help bullies," I had the upper hand now, and honestly, it felt good.

"Please, please, I'm sorry," Honey said, "I'm really sorry," Tears streamed down her face as her legs burned, "Please!!" She screamed.

Rize began to yell in pain and so do Ravioli, "Please," They all begged me, "Please, please do something,"

They begged so much, I started feeling bad for them.

But what am I supposed to do here?

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