Chapter 8

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Todoroki was just able to dodge the red speeding at him and saw his massive glacier obliterated and Gojo standing there smiling. "Gojo this isn't your quirk!" She rushed at him at breath taking speeds. He dodged and was able to pull off another glacier on her but it stopped just before her. He covered Gojo in ice completely.

Todoroki thought he won now, completely encasing her in ice. A red glow appeared and it obliterated the glacier once more. Gojo stepped out giggling at how futile Todoroki's attempts were. Todoroki was thinking of getting up close to try and gauge how the quirk worked.

He got close and went for punches. "That wasn't your quirk, so how are you doing that. Are you a nomu or were you hiding it?" Gojo dodged his attacks with ease. "A whole bunch of other people are watching, so I'm going to show off." "What!?" Todoroki was confused but went for a fire attack nonetheless. Gojo used a blue to pull Todoroki closer.

Cementos stopped the pull of Todoroki and had sealed Gojo in cement leaving her head poking out. "Gojo Satoru, I hereby place you under arrest for the possession of an unregistered quirk, lying about your quirk, and more quirk related felonies!"

Gojo broke the cement. Kamui woods and Mount lady had appeared and president mic had stopped commentating to help with the arrest. Gojo knew this was inevitable. Class A was also shocked but believed she had a reasonable explanation.

Mount lady and Woods went for an attack but it was stopped by her infinity. Every attack they tried was stopped by infinity.

Aizawa, from the booth used his quirk to erase Gojo's limitless. She was hit directly by Mount lady, Kamui woods, and Midnight's sleep aerosol as if the other two hitting her at full power wasn't enough.

Gojo was completely knocked out with a bloody skull and 19 broken bones. Todoroki was declared the winner. The police had apprehended Gojo and took her to a jail with Aizawa, principal Nezu, and Midnight for questioning.

6 hours later, Gojo woke up in a prison cell with both her hands tied, Midnight and Aizawa on standby. "Do you know why you're here?" asked Aizawa. "No. I just remember getting the worst punch of my life. like a whole ass mountain just punched me." Gojo kept her flippant and light hearted attitude.

"Just do you know, that is anti quirk material so don't try to break it of your restraints." said Midnight. "So why am I here" "Its cause you have an unregistered quirk and lied about what it was." Aizawa said. Midnight stayed silent since it was Aizawa's student. "I have my reasons for keeping it unregistered. The first reason would be media coverage and turning the hero world on its head. Second is cause it doesn't work like regular quirks."

"Not an excuse to lie. You could have confided in one of the staff and we would have taken appropriate measures." "I just said it doesn't work like how your quirks work. It functions entirely differently." "In what way is what we're here to find out." "And why do you think I should have to." Gojo replied.

"because you're most likely going to Tartarus. That place has stuff that prevents the use of quirks unless they're mutant types but I doubt that is what your quirk is."

Gojo got a more serious tone and said "I'll tell you and you alone. It shouldn't go any farther than yourself or All might or Nezu since you're required to tell them. I don't want Mid-slut here to find out what it is."

"I'm NOT a slut. And YOU'RE the one in cuffs so be quiet!" Midnight exclaimed. "Doesn't change anything." Gojo said. Aizawa looked at her seriously, she nodded and left the room.

"So how does your quirk work and how does it function differently, Gojo Satoru."

"My quirk has 3 main applications, one extra, and one more that is reserved for really strong opponents and acts as a trump card."

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