Chapter 27 - You

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01.13 PM.

"Мама, я дома!" (Mom, I'm home!) You called for your mother as you open the front door of your house -just coming home from school- while taking off your shoes and change to use sandals.


No ones answer.

You furrowed your brow at this. You quickly take off your coat and hanging it on the wall then speed walking to the kitchen. Usually, when you arrived, the smell of food cooked by your mother is what welcomes your nostrils.

But no.

No ones in the kitchen.

Nor the trace of the kitchen had been use since you left this morning to go to school after you made your own breakfast because your mom said she's sick and you have to make your own.

You moves to open the white backdoor leading to the garden behind your house. Hoping she will be there, gardening.


No ones there.

Your heart picking up its pace. You quickly shut the door then rushed upstairs. Passing your bedroom and immediately goes into your parent's room.

It's closed.

You stop yourself when you arrived in front of the wooden door.

Your eyes linger on the doorknob for a moment. Suddenly hesitating. You bit your lips as you raise your hand to gently knock on the door.

"Мама.. я дома.."

Yet, another silence.

"Могу я войти внутрь?" (Can I come inside?) You softly asked as you rest your head against the wooden door.

Since your father left the family, your mother had slowly become distant from you. She even set a rule that you're not allowed to enter their room again.

You only 8 back then.

The past two years after your dad left you at six, your mom still all cheery and smily like you used to know. She's still your mother that you've known. She's been trying her hardest to fill in the absence of your father. And you're very much appreciate her to the deepest of your heart.

You tried your best not to be a burden for her.

But suddenly it's all changed when you are turning eight.

Where your mom set a rule for you not to enter their room without her permission.

You were beyond confused back then, but all you could do is to obey. You thought your mother just want to teach you how to have your own privacy and how she wants a space for herself too.

How naive.

As the silence stretched, your heart rate increased. It feels like your head is pounding because you're suddenly feeling so worried out of nowhere.

Your gut telling you something bad is happened.

You knocked on the door again. Biting your lip, you prepared yourself to enter your mothers's room without her permission.

"Мам, ты прости меня. Я захожу." (I'm sorry, mom. I'm coming in.)

You close your eyes as you take a deep breath then let it out slowly. You lower your hand to hold on the doorknob, twisting it slowly.

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