Chapter 15 - ...

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You quickly get in your room, locking the door behind as your body slump against your door. Falling to your knees as you still hold your neck and feel his hand tightening around your throat.

You cough up some more as you silently start to cry.

You really don't get what he wants by doing that. Yes, you know how fucked up he is. How bad is his past and all, but that didn't make him can do what he did to you.

You didn't get why he suddenly did just that. You did nothing wrong, at least from your perspective. You are very much sure you already try your hardest to avoid him at all cost. You know you are the weakest in the team but you always tried to help them as much as possible with all the information you know.

You tried to figure out how to make their job easier on each mission. Yet, somehow, you still manage to pissed off the almighty Ghost. Simon "Ghost" Riley.

At first, when you stumbled across this game, when you first knowing this game, Ghost immediately catch your eyes. From his mysterious aura to his shitty past, you feel the empathy for him. You really are feeling sorry when you read about his past. How a father can be so much cruel towards his own son.

When you get into this world, you tried to deny it and still hopeful in the very first that this is just another dream your brain made for you. But after one month later, you can't help but to notice that all this shit, is real. And you're the part of it.

Yes, you are just living by yourself in your past life. But that doesn't mean you didn't enjoy it, you are one for holding onto memories. You can't easily just let go when its gone. You always tried to secure every memory you have, you don't care if it's a sad one, happy one, or something that annoyed you to your heart, you want to always feel you still have something.

But to think you still angered someone when you tried to become as nice as possible, as helpful as possible, and it still not enough, once again you doubt your life here. Is this all worth it?

Are you on the right path?

What if you shouldn't involve yourself with this?

What if you should just stay because none of this has anything to do with you?

You don't belong here. You have nothing to do with them if you just stay and decide to live for yourself.

A sharp knock from your door cutting your train of thoughts to go further. You slowly looked up and turned to look at your door.

When the knocks won't stop, you slowly get up and open the lock just to be met with Soap's concerned face.

All the things happened after that is on slow motion on your mind.

You see how he furrowed his brow as he lets himself get into your room then closing the door behind.

You see how his hand reach for yours then slowly walking you to your bed.

You watch him as he seated himself beside you on the bed.

Then a warm embrace was what finally pulled your thoughts back to reality.

Gentle caresses was what finally made your sense back.

Whispers of sweet nothing was what finally made you feel your surrounding once again.

Only for you to break again in front of him.

Your hand subconsciously clutch onto his shirts, you buried your face on his chest as you let out yet another cry.

In response, he tightened his hug around you as he keeps caressing your hair, shoulders, back, anything he can do to soothe you.

He had no idea what happened to you. When he walked to his room which right beside yours, he heard a faint noises of someone crying only to see it's from your room. He immediately stop dead in track as he looked at your closed door. His feet subconsciously bring him to stop in front of your door.

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