Chapter O8 - Training

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"Yes, captain. I'm very much sure it should be here from all the clue and connecting them in one." Y/n said surely as she sat in front of a computer in a briefing room. Looking at the map displayed on the big screen attached to the wall.

"Alright then, I'll contact Laswell about what you said." Price poudly said as he pats her head twice. Slightly messing with her hair.

She internally rolling her eyes at all their behaviour about messint with her hair. "Can you send her a say hi for me?" Y/n asks when she gets up from the chair, turning around to look at the captain standing behind the chair.

"Of course, that should be easy. Go and train, I'm sure the other already waiting for you." He smiles warmly then slightly push your shoulder to the door then he takes your seat in front of the computer. Already on the way of contacting the woman.

- - -

"Harder, Chamber. Your punches left nothing to feel." Soap said as he defends himself from y/n showering punch.

The two always ended up being a pair when it comes to sparring. But it's mostly Soap who's winning so that's making a thing or two settled between them when they're sparring.

Before they start to spar, Soap will always helps with y/n punches, adding the fuel she needed to blow a harder one each time she did.

Because apparently, y/n weakest ability is hand in hand combat. She indeed a master when it comes to something like knife, rope, or anything in hand. But when she left with nothing other than her own fists, it left her almost defenseless. And for that, Price always working on that every time they're training.

C'mon y/n. Try to thing something to take him down.

Y/n thought to herself as she keeps throwing hit and kick to Soap. Who seems defend himselft against her so effortlessly. It rage her even more.

When Soap suddenly looking behind her, she immediately taking the chance and lunge forward, hoping to catch him off guard.

"Oh, not so fast, y/n." He chuckles before slightly twist his body and somehow getting y/n in a chokehold position.

His right arm wrapping around her neck while the other one wrapping around another for leverage. He wrapped his legs around her waist to minimize her movement. Looking down at her with amusement.

Y/n tried to claw at Soap's arm, kicking her legs in hope of his legs loosen around her, but it just makes him tightening his hold.

"Thing of something." He softly remind her.

Her eyes frantically looking around the room when she heard what he said. Almost on cue when Ghost stepping into the room, she raised her hands high and elbowed his stomach. Giving in all her strength she can mustered in the current position she's in.

"Oof." Soap loosen his grip slightly around her neck and she immediately take the opportunity to turn around and elbowed his neck instead. Getting on top of him.

"Hello there, MacTavish." She smugly said as she looked down straight into his eyes.

"Oh, lass, don't get all cocky now." He chuckles as he taps her small arms twice. Indicating they're done.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she rolling to his side. Resting her head on his stomach. Laying down and facing the ceiling. Exhausted.

"Thank you, Soap." She softly said between her ragged breath.

"It's my job, Chamber."

Rarely, they both laying down together peacefully. Without another banter being thrown towards each other. Just enjoying each other presence.

"Oh, it's rare to see you two quiet for a moment." Comes Gaz voice interrupting their peacefulness.

Strategically and almost automatically, Soap takes off one of his glove training, giving it to y/n then y/n precisely throwing it, hard, on Gaz's face. Then they smoothly high fiving together, happy on their small victory.

"So you both know teaming up, huh?" Gaz annoyedly said as he crouches down to take the glove that been sliding down his face to the floor.

Soap and Y/n just laugh at his statement, they still happy in their own world.

Gaz tsks and just chuckles as he walk to the punching bag. In the right corner of the training rom, across from the two on the left corner with training mat.

"Where's Roach?" Ghost's sudden voice startling y/n as she jolted from her position and get up to sit. Looking around her surrounding to the source of the voice.

She finally found Ghost to the left corner close to the door. Where all the heavy lifting are stayed there.

The lieutenant currently wrapping bandages around his left hand. Eyes on Gaz as he's asking about Roach's whereabouts.

Gaz shrugged at his question, "Don't know, somewhere around the common room I guess?" Then he proceed to take a stance in front of the punching bag. "He said he'll be joining us here shortly." He adds before starting to punch the target in front of him.

Ghost remains silent as his eyes looking at Gaz before suddenly it shifts to y/n. They locked eyes for a moment before y/n break the eye contact first. Realizing she's been looking in her upper up. Unknown to the others, Ghost silently chuckles under his mask.

Soap finally gets up from his laying position and sits. "Another round before gun range?" He offers to y/n.

"Sure." She turned to look back at the older man behind her. Then they proceed to get up and do another round of sparring.

- - -

Walking inside the gun range, y/n happily skipping to the sniper rifle almost immediately.

Soap following not so far behind her. He opted to cleaning the gun for today. So he sat on a bench not too far from where y/n laying on her stomach, already on position to sniping. Silently watching her practicing as his hands move on its own to clean the tactical weapon.

On the other hand, y/n had been drown in her own world of sniping. It always be her favorite one. In her past life, she'd been dreaming of becoming a sniper. Happy to finally be able fulfilled her wish.

A voice of a gun being use echoes around the room. Cutting the silence in the gun range.

She always tried to shoot in between head, neck, and chest where the heart would be. She never want to aim elsewhere but the three. So from the very first day she hold a sniper, she set her mind to makes sure to aim for the three. Until now, it becomes a habit of hers.

Not long after, Ghost and Roach come into the gun range as well. Quietly talkint along the way. When they see what position y/n is, they decided to keep quiet and silently take their own type of weapon they want to practice for today.

"Just cleaning?" Roach asked when he notices Soap sitting on a bench with a weapon in hands.

"Yeah." He simply replied, eyes barely looking at Roach before going back to looked at y/n's target.

Roach following his gaze and y/n never fails to impress them with her weapon skill. She just missed three shots from total 10 mags.

"Again." A raspy, deep voice, thick with British accent, comes from behind her. Startling her a little before she glances from her shoulder just to see her superior standing there. Crossing his arms in front of his chest. Looking at the target she'd been shots.

She looked back down to her sniper then start to reload. Silently obeying Ghost's command.

Then another round of shooting can be heard.

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Words count : 1300.
With love, Seven.

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