Chapter O6 - Betrayed

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It supposed to be another best birthday ever for her sixth birthday.

But no.

All what greets her when she comes downstairs is... her mother crying on her knees while holding a phone. In the kitchen.

What's wrong?

She slowly comes closer to her lovely mom.

"Mom..?" She softly called as she taps her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Her mother slowly looked up at her, her eyes already read and puffy and she assumed she's been crying for so long.

Long? But how long? Since when?

"Y/n.. Sweetheart.." What welcome her ears is not what her mother's voice used to be. It's full of hurt. Full of sadness. Full of...

"Mom.. What's wrong? Where's dad?" She kneel down in front of her mom, holding both her shoulder.

When she tried to explained, it all comes out to be a full blown cry once again.

Y/n's first instinct is to hug her mom. And she did just that. Wrapping her arms around her mom's body. Even though her tiny arks can't really fully hug her but she's hopes it can offer her some comfort.

Her mother's crying is just gotten worse. Which makes her furrowed her brow. She lets her mother cried for don't know how long. And after she tired herself out, she finally calmed down.

She's still sobbing quietly but now more composed.

"Mom..?" She tried to called her.

Her mom just blankly stared at her. Her eyes once full of life now left with emptiness. Once full of joy now left with sadness.

"I'm sorry, sweety. Mom needs time for herself. Can you do it on your own for today?" She finally speaks after a moment.

She looks at her mom with concerned but nodding her head nonetheless. Agreeinf with her mom. It seems she really needs time to herself.

With that, the older woman slowly gets up and places the phone she's been holding for so long on the table. Then she lifelessly walking upstairs. Almost tripping multiple times on her way. Adding more concerned to y/n.

When her mother silhouette no longer be seen in her sight, she turned her attention to the phone on the table.

She extended her hand to take the squre thing. Only to realize it's her father's phone.

What the fuck?

Never for once in all her 6 years of life her father left his phone. Never. He always brings his phone because he knows he needs to call just to inform everything is safe in the house.

What does it could possibly mean?

She tap the power button to turn on the phone only to see there's nothing in there. Not even a wallpaper, all the game she's been downloaded there are gone, all the contacts, even the photo album.

The photo...

She freeze in her track.


He's got to be joking, right? Her father just want to do something different to surprise her, right?

Like a snap in her head, she immediately rushed to her bedroom. Her diary. It has to be something that can explain. At least a clue. Just a little clue would help her.

She slams open her door as she goes to her desk. Throwing the phone on her bed. Eyes now focus on her diary. Each of them.

From the start, to the last diary her father got her.

Makarov got her.


Vladimir fucking Makarov.

No, that can't be. I'm sure it's still not the time.

I... trust him.

She frantically opening all her diary. The first one, second, third, fourth, and... the last one.


Nothing see write about anything on this exact year about her father's doing. That should happen still far in the future. Way into the future when she was... about 20 years old.

She shook her head, once again looking thought her diaries. Looking for any clue possible. Anything. At least one thing.

Please... Please... Just one...

Her hands started to shake as she keeps opening each page of her diary. Trying to get into something that can lead her into her father suddenly left them.


"Please.. Anything.. Anything.." She shakily whisper to herself as her tears welling in her eyes. Threatening to fall down her eyes but she tried to keep them as her eyes determined to looking at each of the diary carefully. Strategically.


And again.

Only for one sentence. Or maybe one word. Even for just her nonsense scribbles.

"Please... Dad..." Her voice breaks a little as she falls onto her knees.

Her legs subconsciously gives up as she tried to stands again. But they refused to let her. She slowly bent down as she grabs the last diary in her hand. Hugging them close to her chest. She let out a cry at first.

Her mind couldn't grasp what was happening between her. She can't recognize her surrounding anymore as her mind only focused on her dad. Her diary. Looking for any cluse possible about his whereabouts.

Feeling her chest started to tighten around her, not letting in any air nor letting out, her breath shortens. She tried to gasp for air but her hands just tighten more around her chest. Still holding her diary in hand.

"Mom... Dad... H-help..."

All she can remember, a darkness slowly welcome her as her eyes shut.

- - -

Words count : 891.
With love, Seven.

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