Chapter 14 - Ghost

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It's not like you've done something wrong, but when talking about Ghost, you didn't have a good relationship with him either.

Well, for the start of that, when you first join the team, he already very much skeptical because somehow his captain, didn't really inform him about you. Let alone when he's asking about to see your file, he's just smoothly change the topic and never really let him to go through it. Which make him even more suspicious about you.

He tried to shrugged it off, but every time you bring them important intel at somehow really perfect time, he can't help but wondering. It's not like he didn't trust his captain's judgement. But his sharp sense telling him something about you when you're talking, he seems to notice you're talking like someone already knowing all too well where all the things would go.

It's like you already predicted them. And you just prepared at the right time to prevent that to happen. He also can't just straight asking you about that because Price already said from the start that you're working with them as an informant as well. Leaving him with no choice.

Back to yourself, you know you can't get along well with Ghost. Especially when your mind often remind you about his past, you can't trust your mouth around him to not somehow slipped about the fact you know him well.

So you rather choose to be quite around him, not to piss him off, or to get in his bad side. But it seems even when you tried to be transparent around him, somehow you still pissed your superior.

Silently following behind him, he brings you to his room. Across from yours. You internally let out a deep sigh, somewhat knew you were in trouble and you don't even know why. And you're sure, if you asking him, it will just add to the fuel.

He lets you in first then get himself after, closing the door behind. He told you to sit in one of the chair in his room. You silently obeyed then seated yourself, looking down at your lap, your hands resting on them, waiting for him to speak first.

He leaned against his desk that pushed up to the corner of his room, not too far from his hed. Ghost crossed his arms as his eyes bore into your head. Looking into your soul. Which makes you shiver a little when feeling his hard gaze on you.

After what feels like age, he finally speak. "What was that about back in the brief room, Sergeant?" His voice low as he slowly speak. Makes sure for you to hear each of his words clearly.

And hearing the mention of your rank, you knew what he's going to talk about won't end well in your side. "What do you mean, Lt.?" You asked back as you slowly look up to his direction.

"You know what I mean."

You don't know at all what he's mean. You internally groaned at his vague answer. You furrowed your brow as you quietly let out a soft sigh. What have you done again to make him despise you even more?

"I had no idea what you're talking about."

This makes him raising his eyebrow ever so slightly.

"Is that how you talk to your superior?" His voice come out as static, something that irritated you even more given to him being all over himself against you and using that tone.

But you choose to remain silent, knowing all too well whatever your answer, he will always find a way to replied back.

"I'm asking you a question, Chamber." He speaks once again when he didn't receive any answer.

If you can, you really want to flip him off right now. But as you said, in this line of work, talking back to you higher up will end up for you to being punished. Not the other way around.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, I would really appreciate it if you could elaborate what you mean." You locked eyes with him, suddenly getting all the confident for talking. You don't know if it's from your tiredness or something else that slowly begins to blurred your rationalism.

You could feel his aura hardening as he listened to your answer, scaring you a little, but all your frustration slowly increased the more you saw him so oh full of himself. Let alone when you're already tired from your lack of sleep and your nightmare consuming your mind each time they come.

"I can't believe how Price even bring you here in the first place."

"If it's not because my intel, your guys ass now already buried 5 foots deep in dirt." You quickly spat, venom lacing your voice.

He tensed at your words for a moment before he let out a chuckle which make you snap out of your mind and back to your sense. You blink your eyes twice when you realized what you told him.

Slowly, he straighten his back then walking to you. Each step he takes is like counting to your death sentence. You don't know why but this man really knows how to get under your skin.

He walked around the chair you were sitting in and slowly put his hands on your shoulders. He squeezed a little as you began to tensed at his closures. You can feel his hot breath against your ear as he leaned down to whisper his words. "That's what I'm talking about."

You internally imagined to punch him square in the face. But all you can do is to shook off his hands off your shoulders then abruptly get up and turn around to face him. Face annoyed as ever.

"I don't care if I'll get punishment after this but I'm done with your bullshit, Ghost."

With that, you tried to pushed pass him and into the door but he quicks to take a hold around your throat with one hand. Pushing you to the side and slam you against a wall. You let out a gasp when your back harshly meet with the wall. He doesn't say anything but just staring back into your eyes. Exposing you with just his gaze.

You subconsciously tries to claw at his hand when you feel him tightened his hand around your neck. Preventing the air to goes through your lungs.

"G-Ghost.." You tried to called him when you see he keeps tightening his grip. Both your hands slowly make its way to try and pry his hand from you.

You let out another gasps when you feel you start to lose your oxygen. Eyes started to welling as you still tried to take off his hand.

When you feel you start to lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen, he finally let go of his hand. Letting you fall on your knees as you coughing, gasping for air. One hand softly hold your neck while the other grabbing your chest to suck the oxygen in your lungs.

Ghost quietly staring down at you, watching you struggling to catch your breath. After some moment, you manage to slowly calm your breath as you looked up to meet his cold gaze. You glare at him before you slowly get up and without thinking, more like your body reacting on its own, you slap your superior hard on his cheek. Slightly making him looking to the side but his eyes remain lock on yours.

Your hand sting from the impact but you just gritted your teeth then immediately stormed out off his room. Slamming his door shut when you get out.

His eyes linger on where you left.

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Words count : 1291.
With love, Seven.

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