Chapter 13 - Confusion

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Your hands furiously type on the keyboard as your eyes sharp on the computer in front of you. Gritting your teeth from now and then as your surrounding slowly getting blurred from your sense. Until a tap on your shoulder jolted you slightly from your seat and you snapped your head angrily to the person, just to see Price's concerned expression looking at you.

You look straight into his eyes as your breath subconsciously calming down in his presence. After a moment, you break the eye contact, looking away as you shook his hand off of your shoulder gently. Leaning back against your seat as you hover your hand to cover your eyes. Sighing heavily.

"I'm sorry." You softly muttered.

Silence fell between you two.

It seems as time freezing itself as your mind race through many things inside your head. Thinking of any possibility about what might come in the future.

You can't help but notice about the subtle change throughout the plot of the game. You indeed aware that what you did could change the original plot, causing a butterfly effect in the future. But it's not like you can just let Makarov has his own way and did what he did in the original game. You can't let him do that again.

Even though you don't really know this world, you can't deny it either, that slowly you become attached to them. Your initial plan is just to give them information to help them out, not joining them in the first place. But it is what it is.

After all, if it's not because of Price and Laswell to be there for you when you need them, you can't trust yourself that you can make it here on your own.

Another sigh escaping your lips as you let down your hand to rest on the armrest. Eyes looking at the screen as you frown a little.

"The file contains more than just information about the building and who is assigned to guard it. It also contained some... classified information." You slowly explain as your frown deepened when you said the last word.

Price knows, he doesn't need to push you further and just have to let you have your time for a moment to calm yourself. And after that, you will explain about the problem. That's what he likes about you.

Your anger issue is a problem when its making the way to your head, yes. But all he needs to do is giving you some time and a silent company as you calm yourself, and just like that, you will composed yourself and begin to explain.

"What information?" He finally asked after another short moment of silence.

You didn't answer right away instead you get up from your seat, taking the file in hand, then walk towards the table. Spreading all the paper inside on the table. Price following suit.

Your hands expertly sorting out all the paper to become four parts. Throwing away the red folder somewhere in the room.

Looking down, you take another deep breath then let it out slowly before speak again. You point to the papers at the very left, "Building."

Then you move to the next one, "Guards." And another one, you halted for a second as your eyes meet the third part of the papers, "Us."


"Yes, us. 141." You shortly replied as you glanced at him then pointing at the last papers on the right, "Shadow Company, Phillip Graves."

The captain furrowed his brow. It's evident in his eyes he's very much confused. Hell, he doesn't even understand what happened. "Is Shadow Company has something to do with this all?"

You shake your head at his question, taking one of the paper about the Shadow Company, read them once again. "No. It is..." You trailed off as you look back at Price. "..just regular information about them." You said.


You sighed as you look back to the paper then place it back on its place. "Like I said, it is just about their general information, nothing special. What makes it special is, the commander's info. Phillip Graves." You rummaged through the papers and take the very bottom of the Shadow Company's part.

Then you give the paper to Price. "That one paper is all about his information. And the rest..." You look back to the table. " what I said to be his company in general."

Price looks down to the paper you handed him. It's all words in Russian. No photo. Nothing else. Just words. Making it hard to know what it was except you know Russian.

"Is this indicating that he is, somehow, has a connection to Mexico? To the cartel?" He looks back up to you, who look down at another part of the papers. The papers that contains your team's info. Fortunately, it's nowhere from detail, like Shadow Company, it's only the scratches of it, in general.

"Y/n." Price called once again when he heard nothing in reply for you.

"Ah, sorry cap." Your head snapped back to Price when he's calling your name, cutting your train of thoughts. "No," You shake your head, "He had nothing to do with them."

Well... He had something to do with them in the future but it's not like he really has something to do with them, right?

You thought to yourself then shaking your head. Getting focused on the task in hand right now.

"Just... give it to Laswell. She knows what to do." You speak before Price can reply. "Just give it to her." You repeat as your eyes darted to the papers on the table.

"Why?" He asked as his eyes scanning the unknown language plastered on the paper he holds.

"I think it will help her with her research." You subconsciously frown after you said that. You let out another deep sigh as you look up at your captain. "This is getting complicated, capt. I'm sorry but I need to clear my mind before I can think further and give you the update." You weakly smile.

Price, looking up at you, seeing how tired you are. "Are you having another nightmare?" However, he knows about your life. And he also knows sometimes when you're like this, it's either about nightmare or something frustrating about the mission. But since the mission is alright and nothing really happened, it left him with the first one.

You just smile at him then take your leave, walking slowly towards the door. "Yeah." You softly replied then open the door, giving him a last look and stepping out of the room. You turned around to face the door and close it. Closing your eyes, you leaned your forehead against the door.

I'm sorry, Price.

When a voice from beside you suddenly startled you.


You gritted your teeth at his voice. Slowly lean back then turn to your side. "Lieutenant." You tried to mustered all your strength to face another person you don't want to face when you're like this. Let alone his big ass ego.

"We need to talk. Follow me." With that, he straightened his back then walking away, expecting you to follow him.

"There's nothing we need to talk about." You said after he takes two steps forward. He stops in his track, without turning around, his deep voice said, "This is an order." And he continues his way.

You internally scold him and how's the rank make it harder here to said no to your superior. Stomping your foot a little out of annoyance, you silently following behind him.

Fucking rank.

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Words count : 1276.
With love, Seven.

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