Chapter 1O - Mission

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"Relax, Chamber. Let's get this done like the plan, yeah?" Gaz trying to cheer her up on the way to the targeted safehouse when he sees how bad her expression is. He doesn't know why, but he thinks it has something to do with what she's been working for the last three days.

Y/n barely left the briefing room for the last three days. She's been working on multiple information that might help the team about the safehouse they're going to raid.

If it's not for one of the team to drag her out of the room for at least eating, she will lock herself there until she's satisfied with the information she gets.

Since the way she talked to her captain in the kitchen about where should she check first, she'd been getting this unknown feeling. More like a gut, telling her that she's missing something important. She's forgetting something.

A voice can be heard from beside her cut her train of thoughts. "It's okay, lass. You'll do great." Soap said as he nudges her.

Y/n smiled weakly at him as she tighten her grip on her gun.

The ride is kind of bumpy, because the road not getting asphalt and just a dirt one becoming one of the road because someone often get this way.

After another half an hour, the car finally stopped. And the team get out of the car one by one.

Ghost and Roach are the last to get out because they're sitting in the back of the car.

"Alright, attention on me soldiers." Price commanding voice can be heard when he sees his team all get out of the car.

All eyes are on him.

Y/n looked down at her designated tactical watch then look at Price to inform him. "It's 8 pm sharp, sir."

Price nods at her words then looking at each of his team.

"We'll be walking following this river that will leads us to the safehouse. If there are no others variables happened, we are expected to reach the destination by 30 minutes walking. After that, I expected each one of you to get on your assigned task." Price briefs the team once again, all soldiers give him a nod and some answer with "yes, sir."

"Alright, let's get this done. Comms on."

Price is first to walk in the front. Leading the team. Gaz is right behind his right while Soap behind him. Y/n and Roach are in the middle and Ghost is the last in behind.

They silently move through the forest at night. Sounds of night animals and the river are accompanying the 141. All eyes sharp looking their surrounding for any possible threats.

Carefully taking each of their steps, they make sure no not make too much noises while walking. Hands tight around their own gun.

Fortunately, there are no unwanted events happened and they reach the safehouse safely at 08.35 PM.

Price wastes no time for signaling his team with his hands to take position.

Ghost silently taking steps back and looking for a possible high to snipe. While Soap and Roach going right to watch the front gate of the building. Price, Gaz, and Y/n walking to left to reach the backdoor.

"Eyes on target. Already in position." Came Ghost's voice through the comm. Signaling the team he got the eyes for their back.

"Copy." Said Price replying back to the comm.

Not long after, Soap's voice said that their side are in position as well.

Meanwhile Price, Gaz, and Y/n had to take quite a walk before they reach the backdoor.

There are just two guards guarding the door which they grateful for.

Price and Gaz look at each other before both men aiming their gun and shot the guards dead instantly. Thanks to their silencing weapon, it makes almost no sound.

"Reaching the backdoor. Ghost, are we clear?" Price informing.


With Ghost's approval, the three walking to the backdoor. There is a staircase that connects to the rooftop not far from the backdoor and right next to the door, there is the vent that has been talked about that will lead to the basement. Apart from that, another three vents can be seen lining up to the top on each floor.

The plan is Y/n will going through the vent to check the basement while Price and Gaz going to the rooftop and will waiting for her there.

Y/n nods to them and wastes no time to open the vent and get in. She's just wearing a vest, a handgun holster and a knife sheath to make her move freely through the vent. While her team using their usual full tactical gears.

After making sure to closing the vent after y/n gets in, Price and Gaz go taking the staircase. Fully aware to not make any noise that can alerting the other guards.

On y/n's side.

Take a deep breath and keep calm.

She reminds herself as she slowly crawling through the vent. She makes sure to strap her gun tight on her back so it won't make any noise.

Reaching the first another opening of the vent connecting to the basement, she slowly peak through the hole. Just to see an empty bathroom. She then starts to crawl further and reaching the second one.

Room full of crates.

She continues her way, "Two rooms are negative. Making my way to the third room then the last. So far, haven't see any hostile. Over." She reported to the team, letting them know how's she doing alone in the vent.

"Copy that, Sergeant." Comes Price answers.

Reaching the third one, she heard a commotion from the room under the vent. So she made sure to slow down her movement in case she make too much noises.

"Approaching the third vent, heard a commotion from the room." She whispers through her comms. Stopping in her way to heard better before slowly making her way again to the vent.

"Be careful, Chamber." Ghost's voice welcome her hearing.

When she heard her Lieutenant's voice, she subconsciously stops for a second in her track before continuing her way. Slowly peeking through the vent, she squints her eyes when she finally saw a living creatures in the basement.

"Gotcha. Two hostile, one armed. It's the security room." She can't help but smile a little when she talked.

"Take them down, soldier." Soap said. Proudly.

"On it."

With that, she silently open the vent, placing the vent cover on her other side. The vent is right in the middle of the room. While the two guys inside are slightly inside the room. Eyes on the many screens of CCTV. Unaware of what will come to them.

She prepared herself with a knife in hand then hopefully dropping herself with little noise so she can sneakily take the two down.

But to no avail, because the vent is quite high, there's a little thud from her boots when she jumped down. They immediately turned their head to her direction.

Fastly reacting, she throws the knife in hand to the armed one. Right on his neck. Instantly dropping him down. Then not letting his friend reacting, she quickly lunged forward and tackled him down from the chair and onto the floor.

She quickly unstrap her handgun and fast to shot right in between his eyes. Watching the life get out of the man's body. Thanks to the silencer, it only made a little noise.

Y/n can't help but scrunched her nose seeing the sight before her. She quickly shaking her head then get up from the dead body. Taking the seat in front of the many screens attached to the wall.

"Taking over. I got eyes for the team."

- - -

Words count : 1307.
With love, Seven.

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