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Alte Kingdom - Third to the three kingdoms. Royal members have divine magic. Although it is powerful to create and heal, its use is limited. This kingdom has a small land and is surrounded by water.

Potent Kingdom - Second to the three kingdoms. Royal members of the kingdom have arcane magic. It uses spells with mana (energy). It is also powerful magic but only one member of the family can possess the high mana. Their kingdom is two times bigger than the Alte Kingdom and is surrounded by big red trees.

Vismagnus Kingdom - First to the three kingdoms. The vast land. Royal members possess physical strength and only a first-born princess holds the magic of infinity. She, without being born or seen, must be honored and protected. She, the only one that holds infinity, must hide the magic from others before her debutante.

SeekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora