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It's now the next day. Chan, Minho and Jisung all went to a special little space store.

"Hngh." Jisung is groaning.

"What is it sweetheart? Are you in pain?" Minho asks worriedly.

"N-no it's just..." Jisung sighs. Chan and Minho both looked really worried.

"All this stuff is just making me want to..." He mumbles.

"Slip?" Chan answers for him.

"Y-yeah how did you know?" Jisung stutters.

"We did some research. No worries baby, you can slip. We'll take care of you." Minho explains. Jisung's lips starts to tremble at that.

"Baby?" Chan asks hesitantly.

"H-hywung!" Jisung cries out and hugs the older tightly. Chan chuckles.

"Yes honey, hyungs here." He coos.

"Hywung me wan paci!" The boy says.

"Then let's buy you one." Chan chuckles. Then Jisung sees Minho staring at them, a jealous glint in his eyes.

"Appa cwome." He mumbles and grabs Minho's hand. The older's eyes widen as Jisung drags him with him. They walk over to some kind of stand.

"Dwaddy I wan thaf one!" Jisung whines as he points at a pacifier. Chan chuckles.

"So I'm daddy and Minho is appa?" He asks.

"Yesh daddy." Jisung mumbles and reaches for the pacifier. But before he could he's interupted by a screech.

"Hah! Look it's the crybaby shopping for crybaby stuff!" Areum's oh so familiar oh so annoying🙄 voice yells with a laugh. Jisung immediately shrinks.

"Chan didn't you see the video we sent you?" Beomseok says and glares at Jisung. The boy was holding onto Minho tightly, hiding behind him.

"We did. And it's Mr. Bahng to you- wait. No. You're a stranger to me." Chan fires back.

"And you accept him? He's literally holding a pacifier!" Chohee scoffs.

"You may have tried to ruin his life, but we don't care less. He's adorable, and we would never bully him for that." Minho spits.

"Ugh!" Areum yells and kicks her foot to the ground.

"A-appa me wan weave." Jisung stutters, frightened.

"Okay honey, let's go." Minho coos. They buy some random things before leaving the store.

"Appa an dwaddy awe so stwong." Jisung babbles and kisses their cheeks.

"Thank you little one."


~The end~



Thank you guys again for lightening up my days with your comments, votes and support!

Loveeee youuuuuuuuu <3 <3 <3

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