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It's now late at night. The bosses already left and Jisung is now standing in front of the lost and found. The boy quickly grabs his paci, a giggle leaving his mouth.

"Hey weirdo." Areum's annoying voice is heard behind him. Before he can even think it's grabbed out of his hands.

"Hey give that back!" He protests. The boy tries to get it back but Beomseok and Chohee hold him back.

"Scissors." Areum says. Chohee hands her some scissors and the girl smirks.

"You want it back?" Areum says with a mocking face.

"Please." Jisung says, desperately looking at it. Areum chuckles.

"Okay." She announces, and when Jisung is about to let out a relieved sigh the sound of scissors cutting something is heard.

"Here you go." She says with a smile. Jisung sinks to his knees as it's tossed back to him.

"Aww he's going to cry!" Beomseok laughs.

"Crybaby." Chohee chuckles loudly. The boy started to quietly sniffle.

"Oh, and by the way. If you tell anyone about this I'll send this to Mr. Lee and Mr. Bahng." Areum announces. She pulls out her phone and clicks play on a video, before showing it to Jisung.

It is that one video where Jisung was crying while sucking a pacifier. Just when he saw the camera it was cut off.

"They won't accept you after it... They're really professional." Chohee sighes and mockingly pouts at Jisung. Beomseok then steps forward, looking into Jisung's anxious eyes

"Your cheeks are so chubby." He says randomly and smirks at the boy. Beomseok flicks Jisung's forehead. Then they all walk away, leaving the boy to cry alone.

"Yeah but no cats are way better-" Minho's and Chan's dinner conversation is interupted by Minho's phone ringing.

"It's... Han?" He says and hesitantly picks it up.

"*Sniffle* H-hyung. *Sniffle*" Is heard.

"Jisung are you okay?" Minho asks quickly.

"I- Where- Home-" Jisung cries out.

"Jisung sweetheart, send your location. We'll come okay?" Chan says.

"O-okay." The boy on the other side  stutters.

"Sweetheart?" Minho teases. Chan scoffs.

"It's nearby the company, let's go." Minho says. Chan nods and they walk to the car, quickly getting in it. The ride didn't last long, they're already here.

"Jisung!" Minho yells when he sees a figure laying on the ground. They run to the boy.

"Hey Ji, were here." Chan whispers. Jisung looks up at them, his eyes bloodshot of how much he cried.

"You're shivering Ji?" Minho mumbles. He gently picks the boy up and carries him bridal style to the car. The boy gets put down in the back.

"What's wrong?" Chan asks before Minho can. The boys sat down in the back, Jisung sitting in between them.

"I-I-" Jisung stutters out. The boy can't say a single sentence.

"Shh, it's okay." Minho cooes. He quickly puts the boy on his lap, so that they're facing eachother.

"Let's calm down first okay?" He mumbles and massages Jisung's scalp. After that he drew shapes on Jisung's back with his fingers, calming the boy down.

"Are you okay now Ji?" Chan asks hesitantly. Jisung sniffles one more time and nods.

"I got l-lost and I w-was scared." He stutters out.

"Oh." Minho chuckles.

"I-it's not funny!" Jisung whines.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's not." Minho says and tries to act serious before bursting into laughter. Chan did the same.

"Hyung!" Jisung chuckles and starts to laugh too. After that the boy falls asleep because of how much he has cried, drained of energy.

✔️secret little ~ Minchan x JisungWhere stories live. Discover now