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The day is finally over, and Jisung is exhausted. When he got home he had immeaditely jumped on his bed, which was what he was doing now. Jisung tries to sleep but somehow he just can't. The boy sighes as he felt himself slip. And just at the worst moment ever-

*You have received a message*

Jisung tries to keep his shit together as he picks it up, looking at the message. 

Unknown number

?: Hello Mr. Han

Hanji: Hi who this?

?: Lee Minho

Hanji: Why text?

Minho: Are you okay Mr. Han? 

Minho: Your sentences are...

Minho: Weird.

Hanji: Sleep

Minho: Oh you're sleepy?

Hanji: Mhm

Minho: Well then, good night

Hanji: Night


''I texted Ji.'' Minho mumbles as he enters the kitchen. Chan raises an eyebrow at him.

''That's why you couldn't cook? Get your ass here.'' He scolds. Minho scoffs and walks over to the older, starting to chop the spring onion. There was silence. Ofcourse Chan had to break it.

''Han looked very sad today.'' He mumbles, just to break the comfortable silence.

''Mhm, he did. And his name is Jisung by the way.'' Minho reminds him.

''Call him what you want.'' The older sighes and finishes cooking. They walk to the dinner table and sit down, quickly eating their food. 

''He looks like a squirrel.'' MInho mumbles, his mouth full with noodles. 

''Mhm, he does. An adorable squirrel.'' Chan chuckles.

"There is something tho." Minho mumbles. The older looks at him curiously.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Well when I was texting Jisung he was being very... Weird." He sighes. All the alarm bells ring in Chan's brain and the older lunges forward, grabbing Minho's phone.

"What did he send? Dick picks, death threaths?" He rambles and opens Minho's WhatsApp.

"What- No." The other hisses. Chan however doesn't listen and reads the chats, frowning too.

"His sentences are so short..." He mumbles.

"Maybe he's a dry texter."

"Or he was just tired." Chan agreed.

"Anyways, we shouldn't be overthinking this hyung."

"Aww did you just call me hyung?"

"Oh shut up."


Jisung checks the time and smiles, right on time. The boy knocks.

''Come in!'' Chan yells. Jisung opens the door and peeps his head in. 

''Um, I brought coffee this time.'' He announces as he walks in the room. Chan gladly accepts it while Minho stubbornly shakes his head. 

''You don't get my trust that easily, squirrel.'' He teased. Jisung lets out a little 'oh' before walking to his desk. Just like yesterday a huge pile of files were set down on his desk, it was simple but a hell lot. All he had to do was sign every page until his lunch break. After that he needed to clean up the office, and take phone calls. 

''Um Channie.'' He mumbles. Chan looks surprised at the nickname and Jisung immediately regrets it. 

''I'm sorry are you uncomfortable now?'' Jisung asks with a sigh. 

''Oh, no Ji. I was just surprised.'' Chan chuckles, although it didn't look like Jisung believed him. 

''Ah.'' Jisung mumbles. 

''Well, go on. what did you wan to ask?'' Minho disturbs their akward conversation. 

''Oh yeah. Um, is it okay to wear something more... Casual? It's just really hot and it's making it hard to focus.'' Jisung says hesitantly.

"Sure. As long as you do your job you can wear anything you want, even skirts." Chan explains with a shrug.

"I would look pretty hot in a skirt." Minho suggests and wiggles his eyebrows at Chan. The older chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Are you guys dating?"

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