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Jisung wakes up in a unfamiliar room. He frowns and slowly sits up. And just then a knock was heard on the door.

"Can I come in?" Minho asks.

"Uh- yeah." He replies. The door slowly opens and Minho walks in with a on bed breakfast. He puts it down over Jisung.

"Thank you, hyung

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Thank you, hyung." Jisung says with a gasp.

"You're welcome squirrel." Minho chuckles.

"Yah! Why? Are my cheeks really that fat?" Jisung whines with a pout.

"No, they're adorable~" Minho teases and gives them a little squeeze.

"Hyung!" He whines. Minho stops and laughs, before leaning forward and giving Jisung's forehead a little peck.

"You fell asleep on my lap last night, it was adorable." He sighs.

"I-i did?" Jisung gasps.

"Yes. Now eat your food squirrel." Minho chuckles. The other boy can only look at him in shock.

"Aish." Minho sighs. He grabs the fork and gently feeds Jisung.

"Mhm." The boy hums, satisfied. After a while they're done.

"Um, I should get going." Jisung mumbles. Minho nods and helps him out of bed. Before Minho can say something Jisung's phone rings.

"Sorry I need to answer this hyung." Jisung says and picks it up. The boy frowns when he sees that the manager of his appartement is the culprit.

"Hello?" He mumbles.

"Hi Mr. Han, why have you not paid the water bill yet?" His manager asks.

"Oh- please, I just need 5 for days." Jisung whispers.

"Mister Han your water will get cut off. I'm sorry, but I have to." He says. Jisung sighs and accepts defeat.

"Okay. I'll pay it back to you as soon as I can." He mumbles.

"Goodbye Mister Han." His appartement owner says. Jisung sighs.

"What was that person calling about?" Minho asks. Jisung yelps and turns around quickly, he forgot that the older was right behind him.

"Nothing." He squeeked out.

"Okay?" Minho replies and raises an eyebrow.

"I gotta go." Jisung says and tries to walk away. Minho however grabs him.

"To where?" He mumbles towering over Jisung.

"I- Um- To my job-uh-house." The boy squeeks.

"Okay, I'm coming over." Minho says with a smirk.

"You don't have to!" Jisung says, his eyes widening a bit.

"Why, squirrel. Got anything to hide?" Minho asks his smirk growing.

"I- um- maybe." Jisung stutters.

"Cute. I'm taking you with my car." Minho explains.

"Bye Chan, I'm taking Jisung home."

"Yah why do you get to-"


When Minho arrives at Jisung's house he follows the boy in it.

"I'm thirsty." Minho huffs and takes a random glass. He touches the tap handle.

"Wait, no don't!" Jisung tries to yell. Minho smirks and harshly tugs at it, there comes no water out of the sink.

"Oops." Minho says and looks at a defeated Jisung. The boy sighs and stands next to him.

"How'd you know?" He asks.

"I overheard your phone call. Don't worry, I'll help you." Minho says with a smile.

"You don't have to, I'll be fine." Jisung mumbles.

"How are you going to do that, or survive without any water." Minho says and raises an eyebrow.

"I-I can work part time jobs, hyung. Don't worry. I'll be okay!" Jisung suggests, he was resting against the countertop. Minho comes closer to the boy and traps him in his arms.

"I know lots of thing about you Jisung, but what I do know is that you won't be okay." He says and pins the boy to the counter. Jisung blushes and avoids eye contact.

"Not going to say anything squirrel?" He teases leaning their faces closer so there's only inches in between them.

✔️secret little ~ Minchan x JisungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang