"I can't let you be insulted. This time, I will make sure you never suffer," Kaizen spoke in a calm voice, his words carrying a depth of sincerity and regret.

There was a palpable sense of remorse in his tone, as if he carried the weight of past mistakes upon his shoulders.

He lamented the foolish decision he had made to divorce Astelle, his fiancée of half her life, after just one night together. This rash action led to Astelle's expulsion from her family and her subsequent journey as a single mother.

Kaizen held himself accountable for these consequences, recognizing the pain he had caused through his selfish behavior.

Taking a step closer to Astelle, who stood silently before him, Kaizen continued, "It must be all my fault that this happened. Give me a chance to take responsibility and make things right."

"Is that why you proposed to me?" she questioned.

"It's just a formal marriage. I will not force anything on you. You just have to regain your status as Empress and become the hostess of the empire again," Kaizen explained calmly.

Astelle remained silent, grappling with the weight of his proposition. She couldn't change the past, but Kaizen was offering her the chance to reclaim her position as Empress as a form of redemption.

"If you allow me, I will make Theor my son and raise him as a prince," Kaizen offered, his words causing Astelle's heart to race with unexpected emotions.

Astelle responded in a low voice, struggling to maintain her composure. "You don't have to do that," she insisted.

"What is important to you is also important to me," he declared earnestly.

As Astelle lifted her head, she found herself captivated by Kaizen's deep red eyes, which seemed to bore into her soul.

"Give me one chance. A chance to protect you."

Astelle hesitated, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Had she acted foolishly by concealing Theor's true parentage from his biological father?

"Your Majesty..."

Her voice trembled with uncertainty as she struggled to find the right words.

Astelle felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, compelling her to speak the truth that had been weighing heavily on her heart.

"I have something to tell you," she began, her voice faltering as she grappled with the enormity of what she was about to reveal.

In that moment, Astelle realized that this might be her final opportunity to lay bare the secrets she had been harboring.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Astelle prepared to disclose the truth. However, as she met Kaizen's unwavering gaze, she found herself momentarily speechless once again, overcome by a flood of conflicting emotions.

What Astelle is concerned about is losing Theor to the Imperial Palace, and Theor will be used as a scapegoat in the strife.

To prevent these two things, Astelle has been working hard for a long time by any means.

Can she get help if she confesses the truth to Kaizen?

He was a man who promised to raise an illegitimate child as a prince.

When he finds out that Theor is his son, he might do everything he can to protect him.

Kaizen would be able to stop Astelle's father, the Duke, before he commits another dangerous attempt.

But on the other hand, Astelle still couldn't trust Kaizen.

He uttered those words under the guise of love.

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