✿ She pushed me ✿

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So everyone I want all of you to tell that I don't know anything about military and all . What they are doing or what duty they are doing I've seen some articles where there post is told but I don't know how they spend their day  so don't judge me or my story . Also I got to know that Jungkook I has been provided with cooking duty there . I'm happy he's doing what he love to and serving for his country we'll .  I'm proud of him and all the members too . My focus is just on the Jungkook as his weird dreams . I've started this plot because I don't want Jungkook to have any connection of the outside world also don't want him to have any access of outside world .

Story starts now

Jungkook pov

As I was kinda tired I came to rest . It our resting time as usual. It's been months I've came here . I miss Army  so much . As I was thinking how I used to be live at late late hours , how I slept that day in live . I chuckled to myself.

I turn over and thought how it's been a time I haven't talked to Chaerin properly she's been busy lately because of her shoots and all . And I've been busy here . We both didn't get  time to talk with eachother freely.

I'm missing her , her voice , everything.

Thinking of her when sleep get over me I didn't knew .

I was sleeping peacefully as I turn over lights were directly coming into my face I put comforter over my face but then something was ringing close to my ears . I open my eyes as I put off the alarm . Wait it's an alarm clock we don't have it . My eyes move around the room it wasn't the room I was sleeping in with , it was a big lavish room .

As I turn over I saw a girl sleeping nest to me she has  long black hairs . As she was sleeping back facing to me I couldn't see her face .

But I remember I'm in military right so I can't be here possibly so this must be a dream

' wait I think it's my dream .. that means she would be Chaerin ,  my Chaerin ' I thought as I went to her and back hugged her my hands grab her waist tightly as I pulled her close to myself. I smiled hugging her .

" Baby " I mumbled close to her ears as she hummed . I kiss her shoulder and then her neck . I missed her so much atleast I can be with her in my dreams atleast.

She turned over and hugged me more tightly as put her face on my chest.

" I missed you" I said smiling and she just hummed . We hugged eachother tightly for f sometime as both didn't utter any word . I was loving the silence because I was with her .

" Jungkook " she spoke as I got startled

' wait this voice is not Chaerin .. then who is she ' I thought md look into her .

She pulled her face from my chest and look at me . She was beautiful so beautiful, her eyes were big and beautiful, her nose ..  cute little nose, her lips were plumpy , kissable .

' what ... What are you thinking Jungkook... You have a girlfriend ' I scold myself for thinking like that . But it was truth she was not less than a fairy.  I was lost in her eyes staring at her like a creep.

" Jungkook" she called again putting her plan in my cheeks.

" Y--Yes "  I replied stuttering as she smiled at me

" You should go now " she said

" What " I asked not knowing what she is trynna say

She pulled her arms as move away from me . And then went to other side and stood up  and then come towards my side . I was looking at her and her movements from the time I saw her .
She took my hand and tell me to stood up and I did what she asked me too as I was in some spell of her .

I stood up as she took me with her . I was walking with her we went to her room window . She turned towards me and smiled and I smiled too looking at her .

" Jungkook" she said as I hummed . I got  lost in her beauty.

Everything was going in slow motion for me . She shook her head smiling and took few steps back and stood behind my back .

" You'll be late go " as she  said and pushed me from the window .  I got shocked of the sudden push as I screamed in top of my lungs .

" Ahhh " I screamed waking up from the dream . I didn't knew what exactly happened to me

" What happened Jungkook are you okay"

" Are you okay Jungkook"

Everyone came to me and  bombarded with these questions around me . It was morning and everyone was getting ready.

" I'm okay " I said as I put my hand on my heart .

' it was a dream ... Ah ... But why she pushed me '

I stood up and got  ready for the day .

Whole day I was thinking about her as how beautiful she was .

' who was she'

' Why I saw her in my dreams.'

' what could  be her name '

Lot of questions were going in my mind but I didn't have any answers for them . I don't know if I can see her back or not .

- anshchi

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