Chapter 36

11 2 0

Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 04/08/2024


On their way back in the car, Mrs. Feng called specifically to thank them.

The old lady had a heavy accent, and when she spoke quickly, she even had a bit of a Russian-style roll to her tongue, leaving Jiang Wang completely puzzled.

He handed the phone over to Ji Linqui, looking utterly bewildered, waiting for him to translate.

The latter burst into laughter upon hearing it, and after a good laugh, he replied with a couple of local phrases before hanging up and putting the phone away.

"What did she say?"

"Do you remember those two geese?"

Jiang Wang snapped back to reality. "The geese Mr. Song gave us?"

"Yeah," Ji Linqui chuckled. "We caught a thief with them last night."

As soon as the weather turned cold, more people with crooked intentions emerged.

The locks on the doors in the neighborhood were simple in design, making them much easier to pick than regular locks.

An old man was living here who wanted to steal the sheep, probably planning to bring them home and secretly stew the lamb for dinner.

Then, caught off guard, they were fiercely pecked by the two geese being fostered here.

One goose attacked like a vicious dog, biting wherever it hurt, while the other flapped its wings vigorously and screamed loudly, making the whole neighborhood aware, and naturally, it quickly attracted the attention of the security patrol.

The old lady, sound asleep, was abruptly awakened by the exaggerated alarm. She hurried to the kitchen with a rolling pin for self-defense, only to see the security guards trying to rescue an old man with a bloody arm.

"Hey? Isn't this Mr. Xing, who lives on the east side?"

The old man cursed loudly in pain. Even after being rescued from the goose's beak, he was still trembling with fear, threatening to sue her in court.

But Mrs. Feng lived alone, where would he find a way to afford a lawyer?

This incident was known to the residents who gathered around that evening. The security guards, with a very good attitude, apologized to the old lady and even sent her eggs and cooking oil as a gesture of apology.

Mrs. Feng was very satisfied. "Your geese, good, very good!"

"Then she invited us to have dinner at her place after we return, and she also hopes to buy these two geese to keep her company," Ji Linqui dutifully translated. "She wants some companionship."

"What's there to buy? Let's just give them to her," Jiang Wang said without hesitation. "If we want to eat goose, we can go to the store on Liangcang Street. The owner likes to stew it with beer, and it tastes great."

He thought for a moment, then shifted his gaze back to the road ahead, his voice slowing down.

"Teacher Ji, after I finish arranging business matters in the city, I'll stay in Yuhang for two months. I probably won't come back in between."

Both the company and the bookstore need careful planning and can't be neglected.

Ji Linqui responded out of habit, saying, "I'll take care of things here at Xingxing. Don't worry."

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