Chapter 12

17 0 0

Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 04/07/2024



Hongshan Primary School is situated at the intersection of Dingzi Road. Heading directly south, there were a dozen or so small restaurants scattered around. Jiang Wang, with time on his hands, would occasionally accompany the children and, following the clockwise direction, visit each restaurant one by one. Over time, even the chefs at the back would greet him proactively.

"Jiang Ge! The yellow bonefish in the restaurant today is exceptionally fresh. Care to try?"

"I haven't gotten to it yet, no rush."

Jiang Wang treated this street as his dining hall. After a few days of following him to various eateries, the children found it boring and eagerly went home to cook instant noodles. The men paid little attention, preoccupied with comparing the texture of wonton noodles and fried sauce noodles.

Aunt Hu's noodle shop appeared small from the outside, with six tables crammed full of stools nearly reaching the ceiling. During meal times, business was exceptionally good. After all, among the three streets around, only her noodles were made with duck egg yolks mixed with wheat flour, kneaded vigorously by hand to ensure a chewy texture. At three in the morning, she would light a lamp and fan dry them, ensuring they were tender on the palate. The beef broth was simmered until it was thick and creamy, and a sprinkle of chopped green onions added an indescribable fragrance.

Jiang Wang instructed a few assistants to handle cross-city business and arrived half an hour early to enjoy some noodles. Before the seats could warm up, someone knocked on the window from outside.

"What a coincidence," Ji Linqui greeted, his profile through the low-definition cobalt blue glass window somehow exuding a hint of a Hong Kong movie star's charm.

Jiang Wang was slightly surprised to see Teacher Ji walk in and sit across from him, smiling awkwardly.

"This place's taste is average, and it's still early. How about Teacher Ji picks another place to try?"

"Just a few days ago, you said you owed me a meal. Today, you won't even treat me to beef noodles?" Ji Linqui's gaze lingered on his face for a few seconds, seeming to scrutinize yet also jest: "Don't worry, just order another pot of Tianjiu Wings and Japanese abalone. Mr. Jiang is generous; he won't refuse me."

It's strange to note that on regular days, there are usually several regular customers in the shop, even if they don't eat, they play cards, chat, and lend their presence. However, today the shop is unusually empty, with only two old men sitting in the corner, eating their rice bowls quietly. There's an old canvas bag placed beside them.

The shop owner is not at the counter, and the waiter, after taking the order, hurriedly goes to the kitchen, refusing to come out to serve tea.

Jiang Wang's expression changes slightly. He was about to find an excuse to ask them to leave when suddenly, sharp braking sounds are heard at the door.

It's too late.

Three Alto cars block the front and back paths of the shop, and a dozen young gangsters rush in. Outside, someone seals the door with a U-lock.

With a click, the door is completely locked.

Ji Linqui glances at the door and then proceeds to pour tea for Jiang Wang.

"Mr. Jiang seems like a foreigner. Have you ever tasted the mountain tea here?" He seems to ignore the approaching street ruffians, takes a sip, and continues, "We call this tea 'Sanpi Guan' in our local dialect. It may sound coarse, but it's made from Tai Mountain Begonias, with a unique fragrance."

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