Chapter 100

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Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 04/13/2024


The sudden marriage proposal made steam rise from the top of their heads and a hint of blush appeared.

And a little bit of untimely adolescent excitement.

It's strange how some topics sound taboo at first, but once brought into the open with straightforward honesty, they seem as natural as eating and drinking, making one feel like there's no issue at all.

Ji Guoshen originally felt a bit numb even thinking about two grown men kissing, but when his own son mentioned it so matter-of-factly, it seemed like there was no problem at all, as if everything was perfectly normal.

———How did we jump straight to marriage??

Chen Danhong initially thought she would feel faint upon hearing such words, but when Ji Linqui spoke so cleanly, she felt a strange sense of relief, as if she had been waiting for this statement herself.

She felt ashamed of this contradictory relief and could only hold back for a long time before saying, "But, but you two men can't get married legally."

Ji Guoshen subconsciously remarked, "In the past, the older generation also got married without a marriage certificate. Didn't they live just fine?"

Chen Danhong posed questions as if representing all the relatives, "But then they couldn't have children, could they? What about retirement?" As she asked, she found the questions absurd.

If her son stayed in Yuhang, not to mention making money there, he could have already bought several houses in Beijing or Shanghai. And considering Mr. Jiang's capabilities, how could their old age not be happy?

———Even if it's not as happy, it's still better than their current situation in this old village.

Ji Linqui finished his statement in one breath, feeling the alcohol taking effect. He laughed, stood up directly, and said, "You can think about it slowly. If you need anything, find me in Yuhang." Without seeking anyone's agreement anymore, he turned and walked out. "Let's go home, Jiang Wang."

Peng Xingwang had been eavesdropping upstairs for a while. Hearing the conversation, he rushed downstairs with a mouthful of steamed pork, "Brother! Take me back with you! I have classes tomorrow!"

Jiang Wang looked at the two elderly people, feeling a headache. He hadn't said much throughout the whole ordeal. Ji Linqui was already heading out, and it wouldn't be appropriate to stay behind. Ji Guoshen sighed and stood up, "Let me pack some food for you to eat on the way." Ji Linqui was halfway out but turned back to look at them, as if urging Jiang Wang to hurry up and drink some water and get ready to leave.

Chen Danhong silently went to the kitchen to pack the food. The old man sat alone in the middle, holding his chest weakly, "As for other matters, I think I need to take it easy..."

Ji Linqui stood by the wall like a delinquent youth, "Then you two take it easy for now. If I don't go back to work, the company will collapse." Jiang Wang whispered, "Actually, it's not that serious. Duan Zhao is just one step away from taking the English Proficiency Test. What if he passes?"

The three returned to the car, the night road illuminated by the headlights. The elderly couple bid them farewell at the door. The mountain road was winding, but thankfully, most of it had been paved, making it much easier to navigate than the first time they came. The child fell asleep after eating his fill, snoring like a little pig.

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