Chapter 35

17 2 0

Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 04/08/2024



The man's Adam's apple was like a button quietly set by God.

A touch would send electricity coursing through, causing a shiver that spread from a million nerves to the skin.

Ji Linqui's cheeks flushed, his eyes seeming to be veiled in a layer of mist.

Before he could speak, Peng Xingwang rushed over, holding two large scallions. "Teacher, Brother!! You left the scallions at the door!!"

The child didn't notice the romantic atmosphere here, all his attention focused on the dismantled catfish.

"Wow, you guys are so fast, I was just about to bring a basin to help scoop it up."

Jiang Wang smiled, turned around, and went to the balcony to answer the phone as if nothing had happened.

By the time the call ended, the ingredients for the three dishes in the kitchen were neatly organized.

"You've worked hard, let me stir-fry."

He then walked towards Ji Linqui, who nodded silently and stepped back.

It was as if nothing had happened between the two.

The aroma of sautéed scallions gradually wafted from the kitchen, a constant reminder to Ji Linqui of the presence of another man.

In the living room, Ji Linqui helped Peng Xingwang tidy up the miscellaneous items, labeling each storage box one by one, even the remote control had a fixed place now.

Peng Xingwang had also learned the organization method from friends, considering it a product of the new era, eager to tidy up the house like a model home.

Watching the little radish diligently do household chores with a hundredfold spirit, Ji Linqui couldn't help but drift off again.

He enjoyed Jiang Wang's closeness.

Like a thirsty fish touching the tide, he felt joy whenever he got closer.

He was too lonely, so meeting someone like Jiang Wang, who had a bustling and warm life behind the scenes of work, was truly fortunate.

Any intimate gesture, any seemingly casual conversation, seemed to be interpretable as an overly sentimental answer.

Ji Linqui's thoughts were sensitive, but he dared not delve deeper.

He was afraid of dragging Jiang Wang into the whirlpool.

Perhaps that straight man didn't know anything and it was all just friendly banter.

Living day by day like this was already considered fortunate.

Ji Linqui wouldn't ask any more questions, as if this were his bottom line in dealing with people.

Absolutely not, he couldn't, he must not provoke Jiang Wang into the same kind of loneliness.

In the kitchen on the other side, Jiang Wang was absentmindedly cooking the fish.

Though the order of adding cooking wine, soy sauce, and vinegar was correct, he had read the text message twice and remembered it all.

There were some things he needed to figure out.

Boss Jiang rarely tapped into his emotional side, as if he was naturally equipped with a barrier against emotions, only enjoying a purely rational personality.

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