Chapter 8

32 0 0

Translator: dapotaturs

Release Date: 04/07/2024


Seeing the balance on his bank card increase by two digits, Jiang Wang decided to take the child to buy some clothes. He was gradually becoming famous in this town.

Normally, someone about to come into such a large sum of money would have left already. With tens of thousands of yuan, one could buy a big house in the provincial capital, get a new car, and perhaps even pay some sponsorship fees to get the child into a prestigious school. Some of Jiang Wang's acquaintances had asked him why he hadn't taken the child out to see the world yet. The man simply rubbed his stubble without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Sufeng Express was rapidly establishing itself in the city. Two branches were opened in the north and south of the city respectively, with tracking records for the entire journey and triple compensation for lost or damaged valuables, silently changing the habits of the city's residents. Posters were plastered everywhere from the moment the locations were confirmed, and even the bus routes were updated with announcements.

"Same-day delivery across the city, nationwide delivery within a week!" "Starting at six yuan, you won't believe the speed of our delivery!" "Still using carrier pigeons? Get with the times!"

To accommodate this, Jiang Wang bought a third-hand Xiali (car brand) and spent his days running around the city with his new recruits. Sometimes, he would leave before dawn to handle business, leaving some money for the child to buy meals. However busy he was, he always remembered to come back every few days to help the child with homework.

Peng Xingwang was very satisfied. "Big brother didn't forget about me. You're a good person," he said.

Jiang Wang wanted to cut off that habitual phrase behind him.

The first step was to establish operational procedures for the express delivery network, with clear layers of management to avoid chaos, and then use this as a stepping stone to reach higher platforms. Even the main company didn't expect this seemingly inconspicuous small city to have so many orders, so they began considering expanding into nearby cities.

Jiang Wang hesitated whether to simultaneously manage two lines and worried about the extra effort. He drove with Representative Liu to scout a few more places, pondering whether there was an opportunity for fresh produce to circulate within the province. What started as inter-district transportation inspections turned into cross-city ones, and he found himself returning home later and later without realizing it.

As he drove in the direction of home, torrential rain poured down relentlessly. First, a truck loaded with gravel overturned with a thunderous crash, and raindrops pelted the car's shell with a crackling sound. Then lightning flashed and thunder roared, tearing through the dark and gloomy night in an instant. Jiang Wang gripped the steering wheel firmly, his brow furrowed in silence.

Representative Liu, who had been getting to know him these past few days, felt a vague sense of confusion but didn't ask further. This guy had an iron temperament, his demeanor steady and his emotions rarely visible. He always seemed friendly to everyone, but he was difficult to approach. Why the sudden change in mood?

Representative Liu was pondering, but Jiang Wang had already sighed, holding his head in his hand.

"We're doomed," he murmured. "There's a kid at home, and he didn't bring an umbrella when he left."

Whether there was an umbrella at home was also a problem. Getting soaked like a drowned rat on the way back home would surely lead to a fever all night.

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