Sin City

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I've always taken an interest in the paranormal. I don't know why, but the thought of vampires, vengeful spirits, and demons was intriguing.

I wasn't able to hunt at my age, but that didn't stop me from memorizing everything about monsters, like how to identify them, how to kill them, and how to dispose of them.

I love going out into the woods, bringing my lore books, sitting up against a tree, and studying. I'd bring my father's old cassette player and listen to music, so it wasn't just the sound of nature to occupy my ears.

Speaking of my father, or my parents. They were murdered when I was young. I had snuck out the night before and came back to find them butchered on the floor of their bedroom.

-Into first person POV-

The engine huffs once I turn the key, trying to tell me that I'm long overdue for a new car. I back out of the driveway and crank up the volume, humming along to the music as I turn into the gas station. I quiet the engine and skip to the door, the bell above me rings, signaling the cashier to look up.

"Hey Niki" I beamed up at the cashier, who just so happened to be my only friend in the town.

"Hey Denny, just the usual?" The side of her lip curled upwards before her angelic voice rang out.

I walk over to the counter and lean on the surface, "You know it. Got any plans for today, kie?" I hum.

She grabs the newspaper from the stack on the counter, and sets it in front of me, "Not unless you plan to take me out" She smirks.

Niki and I's friendship has always been the flirty type, she was into girls, so she hit on any girl who looked remotely gay, and I guess I was one of them.

"Only in your dreams, baby" I wink and grab the paper in front of me, sliding myself into a standing position. Niki blushes and looks away, as I head for the door.

I push open the door while facing kie, "Dream about me" I tease as my body leaves the door.

I shut the car door behind me and toss the newspaper into the passenger seat before I start the engine and drive back to my place.

Once I arrive I open the newspaper and set it up against the steering wheel, I flip through looking for anything out of the ordinary. I shut the newspaper with a sigh, unable to find any cases.

I exit the car and walk into my house, throwing my keys and wallet onto the round table in the middle of the kitchen.

I shrug the shoulders of my leather jacket, causing it to fall to my forearms as I look around the room.

A sudden pain crashed through my head, making my knees buckle and push my body onto the ground.

A gasp escapes my mouth as I hold my head in my hands.

Images flash their way through my eyes.

An image of a girl working a bar, chatting with some priest.

Another image of two very attractive men, one taller, one shorter, standing at each other's side.

Another picture flashes, a bar, "Trotter's Bar & Hotel", bright letters read.

The pain and images stopped, allowing my eyes to slowly open back up.

Things like that had happened a few times already. I wasn't exactly sure why, but they always ended up being cases. Mainly ones to do with demons.

I decide to do some research about the town. I grab my computer from the table and scoot it toward me.

My first task was to find where Trotters Bar and Hotel were.

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