
When she got home from work, a bouquet of red roses met her. Placed on top of the blankets that she'd covered him with earlier. Feeling herself turn crimson like those roses, she gingerly picked them up and smelled them. Heart melted like wax, she had a stupid little smile on her face as she made her way into the kitchen to place them in a vase. The vibrant red popped on her kitchen counter and it was a welcome sight. Sliding off her socks, she shrugged out of her cardigan. For a minute, the reality that he could be watching her paused her hands. But it was only for a moment and she resumed. Hot cheeks now, she slowly undressed. Frankly, the very thought of him watching her kinda made her feel a way. How the tables had turned. Unbuttoning her shirt, it fell down her shoulders. He deserved a little something for the gift right?

Now in her underwear and bra, she freed her curls from her signature claw clip. Kneeling to retrieve her discarded clothes, she headed into the bathroom before shutting the door. The shower was turned on and she stepped in, steam and wisps of water vapor filling the space with vanilla lavender scent. Running the wash cloth across her sensitive body, she closed her eyes. Once ignoring the sensation, she did it again, brushing the textured rag across her nipples. Pinching her legs together, she bit her lip as arousal started to dance down her spine. Without a second thought, she moved it now in between her legs and softly rubbed. Moaning softly, she dug her teeth into her bottom lip even more before ceasing the action.

God, what was he doing to her? The mere thought of him drove her crazy and her desire for him steadily kept increasing. Dangerously. She just could not get that night at the Velveteen Rose out of her mind. It felt unreal, and she still felt like she had been dreaming. His head in between her legs and the things he did with his mouth...Breathing deeply, she stepped into the spray of the shower head and let the water rinse off the suds. Resuming her wash, she made sure ahead was squeaky clean before exiting. Drying off, she headed into her bedroom and hid herself under her covers. You're ovulating like crazy right now, girl. Get it together and go to bed.


Five or so days later after her menstruation had ended, she finally reached out to him. His birthday a little less than a week away, she finally decided on what she was going to do. Calling him on break, she waited until his face popped up on FaceTime.
"Hey babe,"
"Hi poppet,"
"Whatcha doin'?"
"Trying not to aggravate an oncoming migraine." Her face fell.
"Oh no! Your students putting you through it that bad?"
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be." She twirled some hair around for a moment, watching him watch her.
"Sooo um..."
"I was thinking maybe you could um... come over after work." His eyebrow lifted playfully.
"So soon after my last visit?"
"Don't get arrogant, alright? I just-"
"You miss me." The chuckle that sprang up from his chest was deliciously tickled.
"I miss you too, chipmunk." She was distracted at first by how ridiculously sexy he sounded just then but came to her senses, barely.
"Turn down the seduction, sir." Grinning, he wiggled his eyebrows.
"I'm a Scorpio, my love. There is no such thing as turning it down." She almost choked on her lunch and focused real hard on chewing before answering.
"That explains so much. Jesus. Okay, pause. Let's rewind. Did you just call me a chipmunk?"
"I did."
"Because. When your cheeks are all squished you look like a chipmunk." She started giggling and some of the other ladies in the break room glanced at her.
"Hi Jasper's mannnnn." He coughed then and pushed his glasses further up his nasal bridge.
"I forgot to tell you we have company," She laughed at his audacity of appearing embarrassed.
"Well, that's rather awkward. Uh... hi Jasper's co workers." The women now giggled and laughed amongst themselves.
"That's my cue to go then. I'll stop by after work." Sticking out her tongue at him, she snorted at his returned funny face.
"Bye, you dork."
"See you later." Sighing, she turned to see five very invested women all turned towards her.
"Sooo, how's things going with your hot British boyfriend?"
"Oh God, Caroline! Don't embarrass the poor girl."
"I'm only saying what we'll all thinking. I saw him at Sarah's Halloween party. That man has a body I tell you."
"Settle down. Remember you are married,"
"Married scharried."
"He's um... fine, thanks." She replied with a friendly smile, getting up to wash out her containers.
"Good. Hope he continues treating you right, Jasp."
"Thanks," Giving the older ladies a farewell, she hurried out the break room, eager to get back into the cold air because her neck and face was HOT. Whew. She could not wait to get off work.

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