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Spring turned into summer and the budding flowers brought by the rain, blossomed in full bloom. Greenery around, everywhere. Signs of life. Signs of love. Slow and steady. It was not something to rush. The heart. It would take its time.


Applying the last bit of her lipstain, she onced herself over one final time. Hair freshly washed and drying, she'd put it up in one of her signature updos, tendrils of curls framing her face. Flower earrings in her ears. A cream floral crop top with ruffle sleeves. Tailored denim jeans. A small open toe clear heel, emphasis on her ankles. Spritzing a light scent, she grabbed her pink bow purse. Keys, wallet, all the importants. Her phone dinged and a text let her know that he was outside. Tonight, they were supposed to go to a really cool interactive event downtown. A real interesting analysis on Greek mythology, more specifically on Hades and Persephone. She was excited, as she was a bit of a mythology fan.

Leaving out and locking the door, she met him outside. You would think with this now being their third or fourth date that she'd get used to seeing him but each and every time he left her breathless. He just didn't look real. Like a hologram, his whole aesthetic went crazy. Leaning against his car, he kept it extremely casual tonight. A pair of black slacks and belt of the same color, dark camel jacket, over his shoulders right now and an undershirt. His hair was once proper she was sure but now it was messy from his fingers. Out of anxiety. Smiling, she approached him.

"Hey, stranger." Returning her smile, he reached for her hand and ever so slightly pulled her closer. Not flush but enough that he could smell her perfume. He kept his other hand in his pocket.

"Hey there, poppet." Another moniker he'd been using lately, this one made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It felt more affectionate and personal. Lifting their entwined hands, he kissed the back of hers.

"You never cease to amaze me with your beauty, love." Blushing, she gently pushed away from him.

"Stoppp. It's not much, just a shirt and jeans."

"You could wear a paper sack and would still look lovely."

"Stopppp ittt," Grinning at her girlish giggle he chucked.

"You're all ready?"


"Right. Let's go, then." Opening her door, he let her slip into the passenger's seat and soon joined her in the driver's. Starting the ignition, the two of them began their newest adventure.


"Shay, you can't be serious. Get back here!" The blonde woman ignored the call of her sister, heading right for the building.

"Shay! Hold it!" Matching blue eyes and outstretched hands prevented her from going any further.

"You are NOT going to crash their date."

"Like hell I am!"


"Look, I don't trust that motherfucker. Something about him has never sat right with me and Jasper's getting too involved." Stacey's eyes grew softer then and she knew she agreed.

"She's been dating him. HIM."

"They've been getting to know one another, Shay. I would t exactly call this a date."

"It is what it is. She gets cute, they go out. That sounds like a date to me."

"Okay and she likes him. There's something about him that she likes to continue to go out with him."

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