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"You've been awfully quiet lately," Tickled eyes reveled in the scowl that replied.
"Don't start, Lauden." Hands lifted in a mock show of defense:
"I'm not starting anything. I'm just saying that you have a really shitty attitude today."
"I've been quiet and shitty for as long as you've known me. Today is no different."
"Yeah but see, your mood is awfully rotten today of all days which leads me to suspect you got into a tiff with your little mate. Am I right?"His mouth twisted up but otherwise he didn't validate or invalidate his question.
"Speaking of mates, she's a lovely girl. Though, I never would have thought you would go for the good girl religious type." If looks could kill, he would have been dead and the lethality in his gaze made him grin all the more.
"Boys, behave yourselves now." Willow, always the mediator, sing-songed as she brought their tea into the living room.
"Tell your dog to back off," He hissed, fangs out.
"Testy aren't we? What's got your balls in a pinch?"
"Lauden, let it rest. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about his mate right now."
"Well, regardless, at some point, we're gonna have to meet her, ya know. We are the only family you have."
"Fuck you,"
"Lio, language!"
"Oh let him whine. He knows I'm right. What, you scared I'll feed on her?"
"I'd gut you before you could even try it."
"Enough!" Both of them ceased then. Lio turned away from him, arms crossed and face quite unhappy and he, well this was his fucking house, so he sat back in his chair, comfortably he might add. Willow never much raised her voice and he knew that she only did it as a warning to them both. Clearing his throat, he grinned at the sulking puppy as Willow finally took her hands off of her hips.
"Must you two go at each other every chance you get?"
"That's kinda our thing. He pouts, I laugh at him, we've got a good thing going."
"I should have killed you when I had the chance," He growled, eyes cutting dangerously over at him.
"Oh stop it. I've been alive way longer than you, fledgling. You haven't even hit puberty yet in vampire years."
"Laud, please. Stop teasing him." At his wife's plea he finally let him off the hook and with a smirk, got up.
"I'll let the dogs out for a while. Call me when dinner's done?"
"Of course," Kissing his wife, he whistled and the dogs came running, eager to get outside. Closing the glass doors behind him, he left the two of them in quiet.
"It's always good to have you here, Lio."
"That fucking husband of yours grates my nerves."
"I know. But he does care about you. You're like a little brother to him."
"Whatever," Smiling at his stubborn display of emotion, she sat back in the chair her mate once occupied.
"How've you been?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Then why are you not in the States? Why are you here?"
"I can leave."
"Don't take offense, you know I don't mean it that way." Sighing, he finally relaxed into the couch across from her.
"Jasper and I got into an argument."
" I said some not so nice things and so did she."
"And now you're here, right?"
"I needed a place where I could think. Yours is the only place I know." Understanding and love in her expression, she reached for his hand and he allowed her to take it.
"You are always welcome here, Lio. You know that."
"Thanks Will."
"Conflict isn't easy. When tempers flare and emotions rise, that's the moment where damaging words can be spoken. We must take care to be mindful as to not hurt the other person."
"I know,"
"May I ask what the argument was about?"
"Apparently, she thinks I flirt with too many women."
"You do flirt with too many women."
"So you're taking her side?"
"It's not about taking sides, dear heart. I don't wish to pry and don't wish to open wounds that may not entirely be healed. But, you do have to have some sort of awareness of your behavior. If we keep it honest, the life you used to live... the habits you acquired... they were... well... promiscuous. It's going to take some time for you to unlearn those behaviors."
"Jasper is telling you what she does not like or appreciate. The same as you would if the behavior was reversed. It's up to you now to adjust your actions. A simple apology will not suffice."He listened intently, eyes lowering now to the table.
"No one said love would be easy. On the contrary, love takes work. Love takes effective communication and commitment. Dedication and lots and lots of patience." Nodding, he released a small exhale.
"Do you love her, Lio?" For a moment, he didn't answer. Silence filled the room and had it gone on any longer; she would have started to grow concerned. He finally answered, gaze intense.
"Am I the first to hear you admit that?"
"Kinda scary isn't it?"
"Scary as hell." Giggling she kicked her feet a little, bare there against the carpet.
"Our Lio is in love, hm?" That stubborn pout was back and his entire face grew flushed, to her delight even the tips of his ears. How cute he was.
"Since you feel the same way she does, you two must work hard to protect the love between you. Instead of running away to say, the UK, you should be back in the States reconciling with her."
"I don't know what that looks like," His honesty as always was so refreshing and she loved him all the more for it.

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