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It wasn't enough. No matter how many tears she shed, this feeling wouldn't go away. Buried underneath her covers, she sniffled. It left her paralyzed and on a sightless path. All around her, there was dark, pain, torture.

She'd called off work now three days in a row, immobilized and without strength to will herself to get up. Hidden under blankets, she shielded herself with a warm cocoon of polyester and pink flowers. She hadn't spoken to anyone, not even Sarah and she knew that at some point, she was going to do a drive by.

Lifting hands to wipe her tears, her watery gaze stared at her hands. Jasper. Growing still, she closed her eyes. When she'd come to that next morning, she'd been laying in bed, lights off, wrapped up in her bedding. On wobbly legs, she'd pulled herself up and went to the window. Her eyes took in her car, sitting in its regular spot. Her next question was silently answered as she turned to see her keys sitting in her small dish by the door. The door was locked from the inside which meant he had found another way in and at the moment, she hadn't the energy to try to figure it out.

Stripping out of her clothes, she'd sat in the shower, letting the water drip down her skin and wet her hair, causing all that hard work she'd took to pressing it to go down the drain. She'd gotten comfortable and got back in bed and in bed she had stayed. Until now.

A million things occupied her mind, so many questions still, trying to understand just what she had experienced. Thankfully, he had left her alone, not even a phone call or text and this time it was appreciated. It had been too much. Jasper. She couldn't explain it, the clear soft masculine voice that called out to her in her mind or the warm feeling that she felt spreading across her body at the sound of it. Like a warm hug, it gave her comfort and she didn't know from where or why. Sighing, she opened her eyes.

Lio. She needed to see him. Needed explanation for everything. For her sanity. I'm here. Licking her dry lips, she took a breath and released it. We need to talk. His voice replied, Okay. Well, now that that was established... My last class is in a few minutes. Would you like to meet somewhere? She really didn't want to get out of bed but knew she needed some fresh air. Where? It was quiet for a moment before she heard his voice again.

Have you eaten? Crazy that she hadn't thought much about food, her entire system trying to move through processing her emotions. No. More silence. Before, Cafe Au Bon? Three hours time?


Alright then. Groaning, she finally lifted the covers away from herself and rubbed her eyes. Heavy and deflated, she sighed and began to get up.


Jasper, are you all right? What happened? Do you have on DND? Jasperrrr!

Looking at all of the messages from Sarah, she felt guilty. Calling her, she pressed the speaker phone button and washed her face.



"What the fuck, Jasper? Why haven't you been at work? Why've you been avoiding me?" Rubbing against her eyelids, she held the cool towel against her face for a minute before lifting it away.

"It's... a lot that happened... I don't know how to put it all in words..."

"Call me on FaceTime right now." Obliging, she did so and soon saw Sarah's livid expression.

"What happened?" She demanded, eyes full of blue fire.

"It's not what you're thinking. Let's start there."

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