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*throws this at you and runs away* 

* spicy material ahead folks*

Immediately, she knew something was wrong. Lifting the alcoholic beverage to her mouth, Sarah watched as a large towering man brought her little lady closer, droves of dancers and club goers parting like the Red Sea.

Taking in the man's appearance, she lifted an eyebrow. Well, well, wasn't he a pretty boy? She had to blink a few good times to make sure she was seeing an actual person and not a hologram or something. He clearly worked out but he wasn't as bulky as he could be. He had a solid shape though, big and lean. Powerful. She could tell by just looking at him that he was probably into calisthenics. The black form fitting shirt he had on underneath his leather jacket definitely emphasized his cut and chiseled physique. His obsidian hair was pulled back into a casual bun and his long legs in dark wash denim went on for days. The fucker could easily have been a model. But no, he had chosen to be a weirdo.

He cradled her against him like a child would a doll, afraid it would break. Now one of the only few still at the bar, at her presence, he stopped suddenly. Without a word, the two of them observed one another.

"So, you're the panty-sniffer." She thought maybe she was drunk because his blue eyes flashed a golden color, or at least she thought she saw his eyes flash a golden color, shit she didn't know at this point.

"Miss Laurier is ready to go home now,"

Glancing over at her wobbly and very out of it friend, she narrowed her eyes.

"I can clearly see that. I have a problem though with this entire picture,"

"What about it causes you distress?"

Was he playing with her?

"She didn't look like this when you waltzed her away almost an hour ago. Why does she look like that?"

"I'll let her tell you, should she choose to. For now, focus on getting her out of here. It's not safe for her to be here any longer."

Something about his tone pissed her off and she slammed the empty glass down onto the counter.

"First of all, pretty boy, you don't give me orders. Second of all, I asked you a fucking question. What's wrong with Jasper?"

"She exerted a lot of energy so she needs to rest." A blonde eyebrow lifted, her eyes blazing blue fire.

"It's not what you're thinking, for Christ's sake. Just...take her home." Twisting up her mouth, Sarah stood up and sized him up. Yeah, he was about five or so inches taller than her but she didn't give a damn.

"She better not call me and tell me that you've broken back in and sniffed more of her bloody panties. If she does, we're gonna have a major problem." His eyes didn't flash that time but she could tell he wanted to say something but chose not to. Good. Shut the fuck up.

"You won't have to worry about that anymore." Retrieving her from his arms, she gently led her to sit down. When she looked back behind her, he was gone.


Everything was so vague. She didn't remember leaving the club or getting into Sarah's car or her driving her home. When she came to, she was lying in bed, covers drawn over her still dressed in black form. The light from outside blinded her and for a moment, she felt like she was hungover even though she knew she hadn't had anything to drink last night.

Groaning, she turned over onto her stomach, not even caring about the makeup smearing into her pillow or about the bonnet missing from her head. All of that didn't matter right now.

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