"Rory, Honey! Congratulations Sweetie! When are you due?"

"Right before Memorial day. May 23rd."

"You feeling ok, Honey? You been sick or anything?"

"I'm ok at the moment. The sickness comes and goes. Some days are better than others. But I got the good nausea drugs. It pays to be married to a doctor."

"I bet it does! And a hot one at that! Isn't Rory's doctor just gorgeous Patty?!"

"He looks a lot like my first husband. Especially with that chin."

"Wait for it . . ." Lorelai whispered in her daughter's ear.

"Rory had better watch herself, or I might have to make him husband number 7."

"Did you hear that Logan? You can be the next Mr. Patty!" Luke laughed as he set burgers down in front of Logan, Rory, and Lorelai."

"As great of an offer as that might be, I'm pretty happy right where I am." Logan laughed, sliding his arm around Rory.

"Well Doctor, you know where to find me if you ever change your mind." Patty told him.

"I'll try to remember that."

"Eat up you guys. Rory, you need to eat some of this salad. And by some, I mean half." Luke told her.

"Yes, Father!" Rory laughed as she turned toward her food, reaching for the fork sitting on the counter in front of her.

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The Inn was covered in a fresh power of snow, with twinkling Christmas lights strung along the roofline, and around the windows. Fresh pine scented wreaths adorned the doors, decorated simply with large red bows. Lorelai had gone all out to make the property look like it was welcoming you to the North Pole. There were large candy canes and lollipops lining the driveway, with a large red sleigh sitting right in front of the building, complete with 9 light-up reindeer in front. Everything looked magical as Rory as Logan sat on the large wrap around porch, snuggled together under a thick blanket, enjoying a peaceful moment before guests were due to arrive for the party. Sookie had given them large mugs of hot chocolate to drink, filled to the brim with the warm beverage and marshmallows.

"This place looks completely amazing!"

"Mom and Sookie did a great job!" Rory agreed. "It reminds me of that little Christmas village you took me to in London.

"That place was amazing! Remember how much gingerbread we ate that day?"

"And eating our weight in candy while decorating the little gingerbread men."

"The men or the houses?"

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